Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Natie and Billa Scottish / Mutual Mind Road j.5

After all, Natie and Billa were continuously checking their the most stably effective refugee escape route from the confined cave on the foot of Borah Peak as Montana state hem beside states border with Idaho as almost no houses no any facilities zone, though relatively out of the cave, readily any flying vehicle easily landing and flying so typical barren plain. 
Several rock climbing clubs were hit by Natie's ownchcking, in it, at the same club, not only rock climbing but also hang glider and bungy jumping fellows gatherable circle. Natie intuitively each professional skilled ones could be procured for this dangerous situation, two younger ladies will be secured from any dangerously desperate situation, necessarily.

After all, two younger ladies had some consultation mutually and one that strangely complex  circle was so attracting them that they tried to consult them their own situation and wait for their rescuing team arrived there. Those circumstances conversation through each terminal, they said to Natie, "You witnessing and really suffering those rogues unit could have been dispatched by mafioso with their clandestine method for murdering disclosed fare was intended to hushing up your witnessing facts around California car crash incident." That indication was at least for Natie so profound around eascaping from them protecting Billa.

The circle chief one told to Natie through telephone, "Rocky mountains adjacently picturing zone is on very easily tempstarure, air current, or any climate as rainy, snowy, or drought are mutually easily convertible, though very precise previous check and conjecture are always strictly demanded, you know." The one once sighed, and immediately, "But you now accompanying situation for the global deva Billa Scottish certainly derives you to opt so emergently necessary bargaining chip at last you should apply accompanying us, you see, alright, we accept your request, though dispatch your now staying location for rescuing younger into more safer zone locomotion, for the first time you should be taken to not Yellow Stone National Park, but rather this season, Bitterroute Range traverse could be convenient and at our indicating point, you should be taken to our helicopter and it'd head for Lewiston, and there you will stay for a while, watching climate condition, and with airplane, for the time being, now where you now want to go, for the prsent you might head for Helena and at the airport, you will use takeover airplane, you know." Natie was at the matter of fact in mind headed for Billings, because her Washington home stay experience at her senior high school age's room mate was from Billings.

At the telephone talk, the circle chief as ex US Navy officer as veteran gentleman was saying to Natie, "Anyway, these days mafioso is applying globally transmittable networked own dispatch system, though Oregon, Idaho, Montana vicinities have a few so finite routes to each other scarcely exist, though already at any point they dispatch the same intentional guys for capturing you two ladies, you know. Though your using mini shopping car should be brought to our home parking lot and we responsibly will transport to your the last destination Billings using my old fellow at university now manages mini jet airplane rental business. Though I'll ask him to ride you two to the Billings airport and it'd be so easily asked and come true."

Natie had strict self confidence around assessing each one's credibility around humanity specifically first meeting one, and through his voice tone she could heard through terminal, she had self confidence around his saying credibility as not that dubiously doubtful. She was raised at Italian immigrant pedigree family, and very many locomotion history was attended there for her pedigree family, though at least at assessing each one's saying as judgement around cheating or truth. And to the one's talking voice and spoken tone, she judged that his saying was not that skeptically regarded, never yet, so much trustfully regarded at least to her own human assessing standard. 
After all, Natie using new mini car was left at the cave, and the circle the best driver will arrive at the place and drive to the nearest airport and afterward, Natie picturing destination Billings airport will get the mini car's arrival. 

After all, at the day's time over noon, two ladies were climbing the mountain using relatively easy sloped route accompanying mountain guide dispatched by the circle chief, and after mountain path walking for two hours. Arriving zone was despite of rugged rock cracked state barren filed, but geographically relatively plain, though the easiest dent space was used for emergency rescue airplane arriving and flying space. After climbing and walked for two hours and seceral minutes, not that later, relatively earlier the airplane was landing there and immediately Natie and her attending global deva was getting in the rescue airplane as cargo tasty functioning one. 

In the cargo tasty airplane, Billa was talking to a Natie, "My sweet helpful Natie older sister, I thank you very very much, though one song I wrote lyrics and compose the tune as a song for you in my brain at that mini shopping car, though I'll show you." Very accidentally at the passengers room of the airplane, one old classic guitar probably usually used by some members of the airplane operating crews was roughly put there, though taking it, Billa started to sing, "Oh, my sweetie brave older sister, Natie, your helping to me also mentally rescued my own depression. So you beautiful, faithful lady of you, your gracefully and acting everything is healing my own tremor dominant shadow into very easy no anxiety field on me.  Though in turn please lean on me..." 
Her improvisationally composing that song tone and lyrics made heard Natie so impressed and moved in touched emotion, though, she occasionally showed her weeping treardrops to  honestly to Billa, after singing it all, Billa embraced Natie so tightly hugging upper body of her with both arms, though Natie hugged tightly to Billa again and again. 

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 4th.    2023

Appendix; This novel series have each role at own modeled person, but basically, whole story is completely my own fiction.