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Who is Billie Eilish? 4.

In frank, Billie Eilish's owning, attending enchanting element is never showing any flattery to anyone and almost ignorance to any older veteran artists as her stance must be they are they and she is she. The perfectly gone through going my way stance makes us have own sympathy. That stance origin must be her older brother Finneus tanking strict course and life discourse. 

Her decisively desperate going my way must reverberates so many not only younger generation fans but also older generation fans as well. She in frank is perfectly going through any ignorance and own carelessness throughoutly doing. Rather from the beginning, she has no regret around lookin down on any her not interested items. 
She had originally no that kind of modesty introspective remorse nor conscientious consciousness, that decisively postured and desperate stance must collect many fans sympathy. 

The stance could originate in her own younger aged condition, as she is not yet 22, at today time point. Ten days later, she'd 22 year old. Her own not taking care of any classically regarded own modesty must be caused from these days globally universally sprededed own crazy politically global darkened reality, and to it, many fans are showing own sympathy. 
Though her fans as younger generation ones are having no vigilance to older generation ones. In other words, fro: the beginning, she intended to focus only not any older generation modesty and that attended own traditional moralistic conservatism and from the beginning, she even had no any careful notice to those traditional etiquette. Rather she despises those own falsehood accompanying flattery abiding approach to realities. 
That her idea must drag her the most hit obtained song lyric as "bad guy". She sings by herself as bad gal, against so excentric beast guy. Mutually preventive attitude naturally taking daily appearance was depicted at her that song lyrics.

Her the representative hit tune lyrics is surrounded and taken strategy of dry and detached philosophy, that taste is almost David Hume philosophy. The kind of skepticism abiding attractive method and strategy are applied by her. As example, next occasion will have precise her lyrics analysis will be prepared for my mind now, for the time being, this time only that factual truth is told here. Next occasion will have for the first time "bad guy" lyrical message will be analyzed so precisely. 

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 8th.     2023