Blog for Nameless-Value

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Commonplaceness is the Very Basic a.

Any thing, matter, any happening fact must have own nature. It is for the first time, every thing, matter, any happening fact must be merely commonplace.

Nothing can be for the first time never so specific, only ordinarily made some nature must be there.

Commonplace measns so much, because anything must be for the first time not that specific, that means so much.

Normality, ordinarily nature are so integral. With its premise, everything must be developed moreover.

Everything is anything in commonplace nature, you know. Never specific featured is all things' own base.

Tiny step is constantly the first premise, no other thing is probably effective. 

What makes us specific feature is based on only commonplace thing presence.

Being unit is anytime only ordinary thing in which commonplace nature overspreads.

Any successful jump is made through only one commonplace things accumulation.

Jump is never made at a stretch, only it is the truth to us.

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 11th.   2023