Blog for Nameless-Value

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Ironically Regarded Reality a.

President Putin will be at the last stage of his publicized reality by judge in US, and he will spend in the biggest prison in US as the most welcomed prisoner for advertisement for the prison presence, and he will die in the place surrounded by gorgeously easy, delicious daily foods and dination be many people from any country. US prison is the most gorgeously easily accommodated until prisoner will die some day.

Some intensity around to any global citizen, so impressively visibly topical propaganda effective known presence can focus on any curiosity from very many people.

E.g. at any country, death sentences are all some visibly made own propaganda by the consensus to any murder with majority of citizens, though substantially death sentence execution by itself means whole or overwhelmingly majority could have consensus, even murdering should be forgiven, the idea's admission and acqueisence must be execution to death sentences given prisoner. 

After all, our own society has own aqueisence nature to rationalized idea including jurisprudential death penalty, though nation by itself can be atrocious murdering machine or devise. Violent machinery nature is one of nation's typical characteristics. Though in fact, aspersion as false charge to innocent citizen had been made so in turn, that was our social own history. 

With upper those factors, we should be composed at watching any social atmosphere, and unit, group. Because society by itself has own acquiescence producing machine nature. Because social interlocked reality by itself is so busy at no having room to cease and pause, because so terribly survival race is anytime realized at economical competition to any other rivals, though necessarily society by itself has own nature around so making light of extremely harder worker's own sadistic nature, on the other hand, to pacifists, society has own prejudice, in other words, society by itself is never pacific idea unit, rather so fighting abiding belligerent nature massive unit. 

After all, survival race reality by itself must make any society so sadistic around not having any generosity to pacific idea and that typed citizens. In frank, any company is one of military. Though, necessarily, any section is colored with own patriotism around operating any employee to be submissive worker only to own company, in frank, society by itself is equivalent with battlefield as economic battle around own survival. 

Though, on the contrary, to us, at holiday, Clasdics tunes with symphony orchestra playing appreciation means so much in terms of our own mental ease obtaining in recollecting not soldier nature myself only at least at holidays with own family members.
On the other hand, Rock music or so as hard beat music tunes are in general, rather instigating fighting spirit intended music, not offering healing effect, but rather more aggressive nature promoting effective music. 

Necessarily symphony must have partially very aggressive playing parts, but the allotment is partial, totally classics symphonies are intended to provide healing effect. 

Though, today is the first day in a year, though, now I listen to Rachmaninov symphony no. 2. through You Tube. 
Everybody, also this year, please visit to my this site and have some impression, and as you like to do so, occasionally please offer me your own remark around what I wrote so subjectively, so freely.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 1st.    2023