Blog for Nameless-Value

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Truth’s Truth e.

After all, we can unfold any complicated problematic realities only according to not that implicated own simplicity or, very beginning spiritual own simple belief.

Because any folded realities, from the beginning, only very simple mutual matching unit could afterward do folded structure to first simple one.

Though, truth's truth is what we should not from the beginning cling on to nor unnecessarily lean on, rather from beginning to end, as much as possible, we should need help only first stage not folded only elementary simple particle being and the matching occasionally genesis by itself, in other words, constantly we should have stance to go back to first stage necessary simple starting spirit.

Truth is the structure, though it is result, and consequence. But our spirit and mind are never consequence, but constantly beginning stage making own element. 
Though, at the matter of fact, truth is some seen useful prototype or one proposed model, though that is not the item we should not rely on as the premise.

Because to us, no matter what we should and can try, the result and established form are uncertain, though premise is what we should regard uncertain, only what we'd established afterward we made an effort to do should be regarded premise. Because beforehand we'd never established something, already premise could be given, we have no need to establish something. In other words, if from the beginning we need some premise, it should be simply not neatly formed prototype, but some future developed potentiality interpretable matter.

From the beginning, what we can interpret finished form is never our own productive consequence, but only habitually known only process route option.  

Though we should regard truth as at first stage unknown, but after we establish something, for the first time we can know, the typed own empirically necessary some material, or kind of sample or helpful inference. We should not regard fixed value from the beginning, if we regard it so, we lose significance to try to do something, that action becomes only copy or some instructive lesson, life and the action for it are trial and first challenging thing, not copying nor stepping first given sample. Sample or first introduced material should be taken to be the matter to which we must revise or reform with our own will and hope for our creative future and our own value finding. 

Yes, to us, our own life is building not so clarified inexperienced territory as first stage not that clearly formed matter into some for the first time established own new model, and the process by itself is our own life time spending necessity.

(Irregularly continued)

 Jan. 3rd.    2023

Appendix; Truth is not knowing thing, but developing and building thing for new territory pioneering. Because our own life is not copying but creating some unpioneered territory for us. Yes, our life exists for ourselves. Not only for truth given to us, because given truth is only already established items, but what we must address to is only not edtablished and unpioneered territory thing.