Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Poetical Spirit is Not Only Empirically given, but…, 1

Empirically given thing is ordinarily so common sense abiding own moderate and rather so conservative idea, but to us, some so fit tasty impulsively very physiologically not reasonable own running must be made phenomenally in terms of spiritual dimension and concretely very demolishing tone erupting occasion. 

Though, yo some honey extent, actually, very poetically implulsive some words, meaning, and enlightened own idea jetting reality must be made through more instinctively impulsive, and vary savagely intuitively given our mind's enlightened message as immanence by itself which could be independently claiming own presence. 

Though in front of those empirical enlightened messages given states are probably not harmonized but more very accidentally given and only improvised own specifically formed in other words, very strangely exceptional empirical immanence acknowledgement, we can say it in some reasonable logic or kind of own objectively regarded estimation around judging the identity.

Thus, motivated minded own emission means rather not that empirically dragged or urged state, but more that analysis is inductively done on us, rather more anytime at that moment, only intuitively impulse pulling own deductive dogmatized ideas emission and practically technologically bearing own some power or condensed idea, core beam or so in serially running as outputted chain. 

Though, logics and reasonable judgement afterward will be outputted or made consequently, but necessarily, at not said so consequently given stepped degree, we all are never know, around afterward composed own formed totaled appearance.  

Though sprouting, budding means anytime only power opened and own emitting chain and own running state not fixed at own real-time some linear streaming, or kind of presently running own transformation or the state presently running changing by itself. 

Those all our daily empirically given reality proves that purely "now by itself" could not be consciously making or kind of fixing is impossible, because we by ourselves are not fixed, but in constant change by itself as it doing, being given. 

Though, deductively, anytime time by itself is empirically known, additionally anytime afterward, consequently acknowledged to our mind and idea, because time is never fixed identity. 

Though, any creatively poetic mind is very impulsive, but simultaneously any creation must need some form as very systematically ordinary formed own typed cognition is attended with our idea, mind, accompanied with each other as brain judgement and brain perceptively presently tangible, visible, audible or so. 

Constantly present progressive form is signified with that anything must never be fixed, but only constantly streamed, changing by itself in changed form in moving. Time by itself has own that nature. 

And running time expanding as lifetime time running piled as the form means expanding memory quantity. And memorized content must have own relevance from former to latter at any time running. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 21st.    2023

Appendix; What time is never stopping makes us own increasing memory quantity, and necessarily increase of memory memes us own forgetting, losing precise memory content, and once losing them makes us own afterward remembering, recollecting at a stretch, or mutually all each phenomenon into one personality acvompanying totaled knowledge and perceptive reality.