Blog for Nameless-Value

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Vaguely seen Intrinsic Identity 1.

In some exciting mind, almost seen indentity around what we personally had very vaguely ambiguous impression, that appearing phenomenon is very definitely obvious presence, but in seeing so clearly, on the contrary, we must have own unidentified misty and vague impression, identifying is so ambiguously approached, as very unidentified matter, that impressive some nasty idea and own warning bell are reberverating in our own mind. 

After all, our own mind is merely so ambiguously drifting in any spatial nature, in doing anything, unidentified own afraid and own anxious mind are drifting on deeply in our own mind. 

Making vagueness, friend, we have to advance in our own way according to each momentarily given each condition.

In other words, we all are never definitely identified with our own future abiding own consequently which had running appearance. Just we all are heading for unknown true destination for us to arrive at our own future. 

But to it, anybody can be definitely conscious, nevertheless, to all truth attending own mechanism, we all are never so identified nor never so conscious about how we can deal with those difficulty.

In the end, anytime between what we are having idea in our mind and truly realized thing which faces our own time point in directly meeting to it, are very intrinsically gapped in our own consciousness. 

There must have been inserted time gap by itself which could make us own discord in mind acceptance. Some gradually changed consequences are owning some certain fact that our idea is never made so instantly to anything we need some knowledge, but rather very long period in our thinking in introspective idea, our grasping and catching idea as essential structural own mechanism could gradually make us more understand its own nature for the first time. 

In other words, iteration around trying to catch any externally given perceptive phenomenon, and to it own interpreting content as our own conjecture around those mutual functioning structure and own mechanism must make us own method applicable validity consciousness and empirically obtainable wisdom around watching each time running abiding any item's own running nature in gazing at for identifying running attending own quality and intrinsically accompanied nature simultaneously. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan.  15th.    2024