Blog for Nameless-Value

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Mindset around Ritual a.

Ritual has assorted patterns. Because it includes both formal one, and very personal as well.  

After all, in the end what we can confirm as the last thing to be left on us is only personally subjective view, own idea and individually advantageous items.
Thus, to us, ritual has several so integral categorical items around accepting in our own mindset.  

In running our own routine and daily working out processes provisionary own propositions make us own mindset around how we can personally deal with anything.  

The type is constantly overlapped mutually with several ideas, subjects and daily frequently switchable items.

Ritual has even only personally, several typed ones, only so publicly consciously done one, personally mindful one, very topically subjective curious one as well.

Additionally, contemporary 21 Century typed social common sense necessarily forcibly makes whole human individual arbitrarily perfectly personally judge everything around any option including not only basic stance around our lifetime philosophy but also daily precise action pattern and from each settling form to income acquisitive method or so, almost everything will be according to perfectly personally and individually optional method so constantly, and the absolute wave won't be converted nor substantially revised anymore. 

In other words, we all had already passed through immovable point around publicly optional or perfectly individually optional in decisive option. 

On those stably no objection outputted own immovable point we'd reached and obtained as our own spiritual mindset legacy, we will be obliged with acting at each territory and in any territory or subjective domain, we will act only by ourselves, that theme and our own shared consensus won't be changed nor switched into very another course or direction, we can defiantly deny those violently acutely altered them are never easily picturable to any individual's mind and idea. 

With those reasons, obviously we will be helped with only personally daily reality reactionary improving around our own course subtle direction reformation and revision vision on absolutely individuality abiding optional discourse, after all, only personally how we can keep up with soulful stability and individually sensitive happiness abiding rejoice sensing around doing anything, trying to do anything, those will be the most integral subjective idea and action, though necessarily, to us, what kind of mindful ritual at each occasion, we should opt and select case by case will be the most irreplaceable and unavoidable questionable content. 

Yes, to us, ritual mist be nothing but talk to our own "Myself", you know.

Rather, only in it, everything can be given to us, as our own reality, thus we can be very constantly surrounded by any kind of time running necessarily attending own ritual, so publicly and personally.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 3rd.     2024