Blog for Nameless-Value

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Practical Usage Our Own Sensing Grouping a.

Not that far future days will have no currency as conceretely used at any purchasing site, and even each credit card will be invalidated substantially with each mobile reading function around any certificate one for proving each owner identity. Nevertheless, to our own potential minded ideas, our own massive quantified volume sense as gripping bills of money  at a stretch, the sense as traditionally accustomed own culutral sensing and practically abbreviated own procedure daily practically used method switching are mutually reciprocally accompanied, thus essentially our own daily sending is basically very complicated if we try to analyze itself as some researching object for our daily practical reality's own identity. 

After all, any conveniently accustomed rolls usage has to have own our attached sensible physiological convenience sensing idea at each item. And necessarily those grouping method must be certainly phenemonologicalmapproach, simultaneously when we need to group our own immanent minded subconscious idea around each discriminable devidionary sensing and that accompanying own tangible discerning sense are all phenemelologically reagarded analysis abiding item. But at the same time of those approaches, we also need analysis around words usage forming own mind's notional idea and each vocabulary discriminable brain interpretable sensing and categorizable knowledge depends on own analytical philosophical learning approach. 

Summarizable totally recognizable ideas as totally time, space dimensional understanding and each divisionally mutual discriminable notional understanding are mutually different, and former must depend on Phenemenology, and latter must do on Analytical Philosophy as ideas orginally in inquiry. Thus, basically spatially action composed own totally physiological intention in mind to body by itself must more rely on Phenomenological approach. And at each notionally interpretable idea arranging consciousness must depend on Analytical Philosophy thinking experimental essence abiding mindset we can say so to each other so correctly.

In a sense, our own each concerned site observing and assuring each nature discriminable minded daily idea is very categorized discernment consciousness, on the other hand, those action memory stocked totally definitively introspective idea is very synthetic and more macro view applicable mind approach, thus after all, to us, both analytical philosophical minded ideas and more Phenemenological one are mutually never liquidating far from it, at very mutually accomplice consciousness abiding own collaborating relevance even at deeply immanent minded dimension except past-now-future discriminable introspective viewed immanent minded dimensional ideas as the presence. Thus each physiologically bodily sensed memory abiding analysis must need Phenomenological scheming ideas, on the other hand at focused each notionally categorizable mind and ideas are needing own analytical approachable sensing and totally relies on Analytical Philodophy ideas as well.

In other words, to us, intellectuality, each informatively convenient and efficiently the ideally rational option are mutually not always compatible but occasionally very incompatible, but one case in million times trial, the very ideally best outcome outputted reality could come up with us as our own daily life, you know. 

Thus, after all, partially we can opt defiant gambling or very strictly earnest piling up effort of each harvest, that very incompatible definite optional scenery reality could come up to our own reality, we could say so typically in any normally done reality. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 18th.     2024