Blog for Nameless-Value

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Don’t Believe Extremely Any Other one! A.

Certainly you should never too extremely skeptical to any other one, but simultaneously you should never extremely believe what any other one can stress so extremely, in other words half not extremely self confident, but never extremely having any self confidence, that very subtle only never neutral nor never officially in between that very subtle line mentioning or kind of acting should be to some credible extent believed or kind of see trustworthy so appropriately.

After all, we all are never the Lord, thus, extremely overestimating anyone must make the one unnecessarily conceit, thud, we should never overestimate anybody, because we all are never so sturdy for surviving our own cenceit.

And in frank, that human presence's own weakness and not strong minded nature is expressed at Classics music tunes more than Popular ones.

In other words, on the earth perfectly fair ideas and actions are none, that idea is perfectly illusion. Any seen justice abiding idea is very crooked and never fair nor never equally regarded, in frank, every idea is very biased, thus nothing is appropriately just nor equally smart, but merely not that correct, otherwise from the beginning, those seen write ideas are all fantasy.

After all, even very radical ideas are neither justice nor correctly not crooked, but only illusionistic pretentiousness. Thus, to some realistic extent, not mentioning anything could after all, to some extent safer, but no poisonous nature is merely equivalent with nothing or no value. 

No perfectly correctly regarded own justice is only very cheaper illusion. And for mystifying those illusions, cheaper and shallow justice ideas are pretending to be the absolutely fair or kind of absolutely correct ideas.

Don't believe in so easily any justice regarded propaganda! Nothing must be fair nor appropriate as long as it is own opinion or remark around our own survival. Perfect justice is merely fantasy.

We all are surrounded by very many falsehood with only superficial propaganda. Thus we have to be maximally careful about any socially superficial attitude and told content!

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 9th.    2024