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One Option, One Question c. Around “Punctuated Equilibrium” and “Selfish Gene” 2.

In fact, in British authorship, some witty and very calculated own humorous skepticism are rooted as their own intellectual assets or culturally their own pride as John Bull spirit. And the part was deeply rooted e.g. also as Sir. Burtland Russel. The similar typed intellectual witty and humorous nature necessarily was rooted also at Sir. Richard Dawkins. 

E.g. Russel was quating Byron in his philosopher chronicle interpretation in his own paper. And, to Sir. Richard Dawkins, an author( I forgot his name! But certainly very famous author ) was describing that his paper was philosophic. Certainly, his paper has own allegorical indication in his own sentences.

Thus, traditional John Bull own irony is alive at both genius authors as Sir. Burtland Russell and Sir. Richard Dawkins. 

From the beginning, "Punctuated Equilibrium" means really embodied physically conditioned equation, thus it means necessarily catastrophic equation must be outputted, and actually, Sir. Steven Jay Goulde outputting it is so. But to it, another approach must be necessary at least at natural scientific academic approach, because for demonstrating, mutually to some ordinary interpreting necessity extent, mutually contradictory theories simultaneous displayed reality is very naturally demanded. 

Thus, necessarily, very really physically evidential catastrophic approachable "Punctuated Equilibrium" and "Selfish Gene" are mutually never contradictorily compatible. Rather that mutually gapped theories are co-existing is naturally demanded at least at very valid properness in terms of natural science. 

To it, strangely, one sided idea only gained ground, that situation is almost like hit chart ranking around a pops music songs displayable show. But it's so absurd at least in terms of scientific orthodoxy. 

Around, main claimable content, until this time approach is displayed, and it satisfies. Next time approach must have more precise reinterpreting necessity, so necessarily. 

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 13th.      2024