Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

That’s the Truth, well, but… 1.

Now that we all are surviving in Capitalism world, or to say, even if we are surviving Capitalism by itself, no other our action but day by day, we should convert our own idea and thinking circuit is justice. 

If it could be denied, we are destine not to survive in Capitalism. 

After all, being thrown away to only emotionally regarded in surviving world or not is left as the question. And if throwing all personal emotion from justice idea, only personal emotion is  the sole justice. Otherwise, throwing all fair idea from our idea, on the contrary to former, only not personal idea is the sole justice, but is it so correct?

In the end, upper those questions will be left to us.

Anyway, day by day, any situation and any advantageous strategy or so is easily switched, only that reality won't be switched, thus no matter what situation will be given to us, how we can deal with it as the idea only will be left, that won't be changed.

By the way, if we exclude any communistic ideas, how will our future Capitalism be operated by human beings? Except communism, if we will find some material for having introspective idea toward Capitalism universal idea except communism, what can fall under?

If you won't have any appropriate answering around those, you are neither understanding any integral world idea around how we can survive.

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 14th.  2024