Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Landscape is Constantly in Changing a.

To us, according to our daily reality's own feature, our own surrounded environmental bodily sensed reality makes us some undeniably inescapable sensitively, never so easily avoiding, and the thing makes us hostage by landscape by itself in drastic change and auful conversion, around social wave, social apperance switch. Social economical wave and appearing nature, necessarily, any scenery cognitive landscape by itself can be easily replaced with ever never seen own apperance. And the daily fact unexpectedly influences our own bodily sense and spiritual condition for making us personally stabilized as well.

And even if we personally have own spiritual strength, in frank, extraordinarily extended spatial power with overwhelmingly physiologically influential spatially extended power attending own environmentally distributed buildings, any sort of site as whole totally made power is invincible and flawless to us as not that physically powered but very small powerless presence. 

For the first absolute premise, space by itself is unimaginably absolute impacting identity, no other thing is so strongly impacting our own bodily sense. 

In other words, we are never so spiritually, bodily, and mentally stronger than we are easily expecting and anticipating our own gift, after all we all are very smaller than space by itself, and even if we are having special gift, we all are easily survived by any physically given condition, that mindset is very necessary.  

(Irregularly continued)

Apr. 6th.   2024

Appendix; Our society by itself is easily made through our all totalled own economic activity, thus any our easily watching landscape is easily changed with completely gapped spatial distribution, thus we are demanded as what we all are easily impacted with spacial condition. The mindset is unexpectedly integral. And the easily switchable landscape apperance should be taken at our own idea creating occasion, and devise for making our own spiritual life so enough significant around trying anything.