Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Absolute Subjectivity, Cognitive and Confidential to be Alive Part4

A very shiny sunny days’ flat road walking must gift us so wonderfully refreshed spirit especially after so heavy deskwork or brain hard using in routine work doing. Especially mirror effecting water surface of field of rice or so in winter or early spring is so wonderful and seeing it, watching it when we walk around out body are moved by so many natural elements surround us so lightly and it could be felt so in wonderful discovery that we as each myself is so tiny thing in world, especially at brain work or deskwork with inputting data or writing script for something, we are apt to make our own body and presence of myself so bigger and the sole thing in world, that moment must urge our brain to get a change of own feeling, coz we are easily managed by each time’s feeling so in fixed notion even if we once made up our mind to confine us for doing brain work, but we can have some feeling to want to emancipate its confined and fixed decision to the widened open space.

When we walk around fields or so, we can easily discover some very accentuated unexpected appearing bushes and woods, these sorts of things are all so at the matter of fact since older days even as the people those days had no knowledge about Darwin’s natural selection or so, ecosystem must have nature done an assorted un expected effect, thus that left bush of which rational agricultural reason must never output, e. g. birds or so attempt to nest and newly outputted lives made with their trees and transiting birds must excrete or defecate their excretion, that their unconscious acts instinctively done to field itself so better effected in ecosystem either in terms of agricultural notion, thus they as older age’s farmers dared never to exclude these bushes and woods inserted cultivated field so irrationally, of course it was never irrational, rather in conclusion so rational choice by them, we could conclude with nowadays’ biological view.

Generally, we are never able to know us as absolute subjective being, coz we usually are surrounded by so practical usage in materials and infrastructure and we are all obliged to have the very universally powerful to realize as we hope at civilization met zone, in city or so, but simultaneously once we are perplexed with so difficult issues society itself must provide us, we frequently feel that we could never bring us about to another dimensioned phase so easily, at that time, naturally we are guided to go for walking around field or flat road along them or enjoy at reflected woods or bushes or bird in the skies with very lighted whitened clouds shifting location anytime when we walk below them, eventually we instantly are noticed to that we just only are so tiny one point midst so larger flat field, that body sensational cognition is so particularly wonderful in terms of our naturally held demand and wish to diffuse so dense fixed ideas and complexed ideas in contemplation at home or work as confined situated condition.
At the notice moment, we can easily regard as so absolutely we are consistently confined to own absolute subjectivity as individual independent body as moving object in world, so in order.

We are obliged to admit us as so tiny small point in world’s largely hugeness, especially in so larger flat field with our walking straight road so regularly.
That particular acting experience makes us aware of our body sensational tangible real time knowing is based and originating in our own subjectivity which we could never escape from nor free from, and eventually we can know that only its core cognition and wick tasted reliance must make us think everything reacting all wonderful meeting in out of our houses in the air, that miraculous contacting directly facing all things must be our fundamental lesson to us as so socially conceptual thinking creature. In other words, only externally moving acts can teach us as so conceptual idea attaching creature of us, but with another typed experience which must wait for us could guide us have another idea we’ve never taken into account of our scheduled things, that discovery must be our truly reservable spiritual asset for us in going onto our own future.

When we are in closed room, we are apt to be forgetting we are all so moralistic creature particularly in busy time for dealing with everything around missioned work, but once we are out from there, we easily discover many things we usually lose to catch with our own memory or never taking it to our view to own eyeline.

At the moment to be known and noticed to them, we first are awaked to that we are all so ethically and moralistic notionally legal and conceptual creature, namely rather facing and confronting natural ecosystem or externally air surrounding environmental zones we first can remember our own acts in judging in shame or so, with we are so spiritually remorseful tangible creature and thus we are all so capable in feeling own sin or laziness, we need on the contrary the things which we needn’t to be noticed to many moralistic things nor ethically just things in external environment, with its trail we rather can be awoken to that we are all so ethically annoyed and perplexed thing as so small one in larger flat field.

Thus, our opened environment must be our all shared gadget we anytime we wish can have mutually for feeling our presence so clearly and know it in calmed emotion and pleasantly than spontaneous confinement to own room or work for job.

Deep thinking necessity must need another typed changing mind, that is diffusing all closed room’s obsession, thus we can have so diverse external natural environment as we need anytime we can utilize for a change and observe many unnoticed things in commonplace confinement to myself, for fulfilling or mission, we should keep our attached emotion to do the job or missioned work away from rather so climax moments, namely we should change the angle as usage or so sort of customary and habitually trained acts, rather we abandoning all insisting and persisting thing from our fixed mind, can get so opened refreshed another phase of fulfilling in accomplishing mission, coz we are possibility to discover anytime in undiscovered and disclosed unknown things in nature and our infra-structure as another typed our nature.

In other words, the sole and the shortest shortcut is abandoning all hastening emotion and changing angle to view all things according to be in climax and conclusion, and positioning us in so larger opened space knowing so small one point in space, and seeing it, we can have assured absolute subjectivity, coz who can help us is finally only myself, so you can say either, you are the best partner for yourself even at so dangerous crisis for you, and with discovery to yourself in opened flat field even it was the place rare to miss or miss nothing.
You can make your mind once completely empty, just with its act, what you’d discover must smile and talk in your mind, so absolutely.
(to be continued)

(Feb. 1st. 2020)

Memo: Especially any shielding things absent flat field is so ideally effecitve to know our own absolutely subjective own body midst flat field, that typed occasion is hardly found in city environment. But if we need it, we can go to that sort of location, anyimte in any area. Just we have never get the chance in no notice to all around our settling or woking location.