Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Cook the World! Part1

Your life is unexpectedly so short.
Then, cut every element you’d like to arbitrarily, and differentiate every element and cook them all as you like!

Yes, surely only after you cut them all in chopperd thing, first you are given so long time you’d have in your lifetime so remarkably.

Choosing the only one love is your choice, choosing your itineracy of many loves in whole moments of your life is either your choice, too.

Otherwise, even if you consciously choose something at each moment, so pitiless time streaming must attack you directly forcibly which you’d choose in many things offered to you, either, so constantly.
If you would be aware of it, so previously, you should decide everything you would do in your future by yourself before you would be offered by the choice in urging.

But simultaneously, as much as possible you try to spend the days without any bold things is either your choice as your freedom just waiting for the time urging you to do something in the future.

If you hope only so pleasant matters, your life must be so tough either, but if from the beginning of your life, you would have not any hope in your mind, than you imagined your life must be never so pleasant but at the same time, never so tough, nor painful.

Losing is just necessary, and if you win, it must be the never gotten furtune in your lifetime, it could never mind, but if only pleasant feeling was in disconnected duration, it either must be the hell, you necessarily would be known to be so, too.

Exchanging your bored time is dependent on your true skill.
Human knowledge must never be transported to the hell after you die.
Only your lifetime must be the sole way to spend the use of your skill, you know.

If you would be willing to do something to do with you, the world for you must be filled with so unnoticed your discovery, you know.
Coz anybody was used to go to travel, or take an adventure believing its truth.

Yeah, if your destination is never set on your mind, what the course you’d take or how long you spend the travelling time is so important, if your destination is set, its object and process you would be toward is so important, it’s truth to you, too.

Yes, surely how you manage your next move or the next card you show is consistently your key to highway.

Then, cook the world, as you like!
With your maximal potential power, you’d preserve now.
(to be continued)

(Jan. 31th. 2019, additionally written at Feb. 1st)