Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

We All are Subject

To any other one, we'd take the one so objectively, we could regard any other one as very the third person, not the second person. But that'd be so partial view.

That our view is either so biassed, but we easily do so, in no consideration, and that'd be to some extent obliged to us too.

Nevertheless, to us, substantially, each other one has own subject, nevertheless, if we try to observe each one just "himself" or "herself", that'd be also shortage of our recognition.

Kind of subjectively, to any other one, if we'd regard so, how can we have so nice and easy moment?

If we watch ourselves so objectively, we'd have so generous and peaceful reality in world.
However, that'd be so difficult, and the judgement is not so wrong.

Certainly, our own brain cell could be anytime black box mutually except the cell owner who can know everything. Thus, to any other one, we'd never have each own opinion, so substantially.

Eventually, only own "myself" could become "himself" or "herself" to any other one, and only that'd be the sole left reality. Because only the truth must never discriminate anyone.

Though, if we try to have our all ideas so upset, everything should be regarded only formally procedural at doing anything, necessarily formally that deal must never have any contradiction.
But that deal must have another so desicive shortage.

If we, to anyone's mind so, regard objectively, that'd be so biassed in regard of our mind's only procedural detachment.
Necessarily we'd never advance more than that, nevertheless, that deal could be analyzed so only taking any subjectivity objectively.

In other words, to our subjectivity, if we'd be able to regard only so objectively, how can we have any solution in any emergency?

By the way, that mind should never insert any other one's mind so easily, and that private domain's regard must be convincing, but if we take only that stance, after all, any solution could have only formalized sanction or kind of purification.

Just I have one questionable idea around it, if we regard so subjectively, how can we have so easy time and place?

Mar. 4th.     2022

What is Groove?

Kind of vibration suddenly comes out in front of me.

That exciting nature must be chemistry to one specific timing.

Timing must need one motivation, in keeping certain background in mind, you know.

From where do your groove comes up to us?

Only very frank remark could be visible with a help by so many modest silence.

Harmonized chemistry or kind of cloud nine is not scheduled.
But some momentary discovery could be given to something.

So better fiber could be so balanced with mutual entanglement.
Entangled situation could be gotten untied, another day.

But just worried about unnecessary sacrifice which could be made.
That feeling must be shared in bottom of mind.

Losing timing to evade unneeded mess-up could give us a question?

What makes us so calmed contradictory reality?
Not that cynical parody nor not miraculous gift, in so poor reality, how can we find some credible trust to each other?

Wish and pray for coming of groove in only tiny given chemistry!

Universe's hiccup could be swtiched to easy breathing.

Mar. 3rd.      2022

You in Me

I could survive everything because you had been in me, only that thing must be integral to me.

In so fierce corner, on so thorny road, being with you could get me survived.

Only you in me, that's just my truth, you know.

In very misty uncertainty, with your appearance, we'd survive everything, no matter what tried to disturb my stepping.

I'm kind of so classical man, because I anytime need your help.
However, that'd be fine, and no problem. Because now I live and perhaps either tomorrow.

Just you in me, that my sole light guides me in any darkened street.

Call me now, in troubled walking of you.

Even if your stepping path and mine head for contrary direction, these could cross together in next life.

You are in me, I'm in you, you in me, and me in yourself.

That'd be alright, my divine road lighted by your love, and it'd be so nice.

In disappearing to infinite universe,  I'd wish your love share all ones with your providing divinity.

I devote my prayer to universe which make me meet you!

You in me, only the truth satisfies my devotion.
Because acquring must mean giving.

Mar. 3rd.    2022