Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

No one can afford to be Reminiscent to Anything

To not so younger ones, anytime, any day is just the last competition, then nobody have no mind to enjoy only at remiscence. Me either, but at now our suffering tough times, nobody could afford only to remember something even two years earlier, every site's landscape must be seen so illusion.

Then, eventually to me, our mind must head for only easing our mind to be sane and composed as usually as earlier days we used to have, nevertheless, that thing could be so harder to anybody than the past days from now.

Frankly speaking, in these several years many novel prise winners were made, but almost them were probably not read by any reader.
In other words, very supremely ginius literature created masterpieces must have the condition to be applauded by any reader with necessarily only proffesional connoisseurs.
These days must obviously change the aspect around sentences creating authors and writing ones in honesty.
Then, presumably Bob Dylan must have been at decision personally to regard these circumstances as the integral mindset, then he would have released his new album of which feature and color was susatained with sweety romantic old days' remiscence, of course, that thing must be recognized only to him, because he knows those days at his 20s, but his stance is very ironical, at the same time, very wishing stance is shown to us.

Fundamentally, very aging so much means giving only very realistic idea in cud and revision to all their accumulated acts and time transiting meaning, or ultimately the last decsive stance outputting on mind after these process.

However, that thing is at now very exceptional age's circumstance and definitive meaning to anybody, even very younger generation ones have share together with very old ones, in other words, if these days are normally usual, only very older ones could have that detachment and introspective idea's cud, nevertheless, these days have almost all generation ones bonded to these intrspective ideas and consideration.

Very older ones' privilege must be owned even at any younger generation one's each mind, that thing is unprecedented, but we all are obligatory to fight against it, nevertheless that fight aspect must be so stoic and lasting very seriously ambivalent to anybody.

These days ask us which we should have a mind around our entertaining thing to anybody, because its wisdom must be neccesary to anybody, but probably anybody gets to have an idea to heal mutually together and ease next one's mind so instinctively.
In conclusion, only that mind' s care and attention could be merged to all sites in our society.
In other words, now is the time we all have no room nor afford to get fight together at the same human world, paraphrasing it, we all must be levelled to each other at the same mind to overcome all unexpected evolusive virus's intrusion. Presumably, only very a few parts of us could survive afterward this crisis's expiration for the present.

Let us revise all not so danger all slungs or so as so indecent manners or so anarchy ideas, daring to wipe out all formal regulation only for getting over these lament and gloomy feeling, frankly speaking to me, only very honest idea around thinking and contemlating of theological personal credo and mutual ethical necessity, and all landscape by themselves are so innocent at these hard times. And left thing is only to me, hardboiled mind challenging soul and spirit for tiding over these tough times.

Today is at my country, these several days' the coldest day, and from tomorrow on, severl a little warmer days will last at least by weather forcast, then, today, I'll let my idea around writing eassay, novel, and poetry ripen so carefully and precisely at my room not going out from my home. 

Jan. 12th. 2021