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Decisive Gap between Literature and Philosophy a.

Ordinarily between Literature and Philosophy, despite of that each gap could be seen so obscure, but truly in academic circle and literature authors' one, very clarified gap is definitely consciously known to both of them.

Simply, Philosophy means academicians circle activity, some strict obedience around class social lawful common sense and own regulation. That is rather very procedural orthodoxy persecuting circle, thus any class and academicians only authorized community abiding previladege should never be breached nor offended by personally arbitrary intention and ambition. In other words, Academic circle activity is strictly regulated professional gild community. 

On the other hand, literature circle is never that typed one. In frank, the circle has no strict membership regulation and sound class social community owning strict class social rule. Because from the beginning. Literature activity means in terms of dealing with describing our human's weakened nature as never perfection embodied appearance around surviving society by ourselves, personally. Yes, literature is never standing on publicized authority.

In frank. Philosophy thing as academism abiding activity is of academic bureaucrats' own traditional professional ones gild and formally authorized publicly regarded bibliography only for professional academicians. On the other hand, literature means to larger extent, ordinary public people, any participating right is given, in other words, to all amateur fans, the activity is opened, and it should be the typed of activity as the legcy for popularility. Though the own author's trial can be extended into also human being's mind so weakened nature not that formalized ideas and action taking proneness and own informal substantial nature. 

Nevertheless, very exceptionally, occasionally both mutually very distinctive things can be given some useful chance around having contact or kind of debating to each other.

Somewhat we can have so own life introspective time in daily life, that moment, we have some impulse to read literature book or so, but Philosophy is not that impulsively dragged but more inmanently precisely objective view naturally generates in our own life occasion, the typed empirical approach is very naturally generated, that typed idea's accumulated form must be Philosophy. 

Nevertheless, those two typed of approaches are certainly prepared in our own life time spending. Thus we might use each of them so effectively for making our own life so significantly acceptable in our own idea around life spending by itself. 

(Irregularly continued)

Apr. 26th.      2024