Blog for Nameless-Value

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Mirage Out of the Blue Floating in front of My Eyes Part6

This time business plan was infromed to me several months ago, at that time yet now Freedom Respecting country's President was unidentified, but at C🔲A, at the matter of fact two diffrentiated sects as course ideology's gap, one is current government advocating sect and not so sect as eagle emblem oppostion party's advocate. Then I was introduced at the matter of fact through that beautiful L🔲banese immigrant jeweler two different customers as the same C🔲A officers to investigate another ones' secret connections to m🔲slim radical extremists' organizations as mainly three sects. 

Former ones' sect tried to investigate the connection to them and their country's B🔲ack L🔲ives M🔲tter movement promoting P🔲st–W🔲rld W🔲r II a🔲ti-fa🔲ismst–W🔲rld W🔲r II a🔲ti-fa🔲ism which nominated for N🔲bel peace prize driving topical subjective social opinion trend, meanwhile, another latter sect ones tried to investigate more racial discriminating consciousness potentially holding local large landowners' S🔲itzerland banks and its ideological background, necessarily they had skeptical ideology and suspcious mind to former sect's background, because particularly they had an idea that their effort to establish the world top level intelligence gathering must be stemmed by the former sect ones' informing to S🔲itzerland rooted infromation organization connected with 🔲U. They for meeting that operation tries to contact with an agent who once defected to R🔲sia to expose state secrets to the world, in other words, they doubted originally their advocating E🔲gle emblem designating former rulling party'd advocastes held either spies to 🔲U, eventually they pretenciously supported liberalism and dare to instigating any racial discriminating anti movement for their mean profit, namely if they cooperate with P🔲st–W🔲rld W🔲r II a🔲ti-fa🔲ismst–W🔲rld W🔲r II a🔲ti-fa🔲ism secretly, the kind of anti-demonstration could be promoted moreover, and consequently either conservative local police organization's officers' offending act to A🔲ro citizen's individual resistance and sanction to the one with gun shooting. Of course after regime change, circumstance was utterly switched, but these investigating announcements were simultaneously done and revocation order was losing chance at producing precision jewl cut technology demanded intellgence divise. Necessarily they either now mobilize themselves for another deployed aspact at any investigation. And each sect is consequently getting the result which could be offsetting each other. 

In other words, some ninimal justice creed was held at both sects' ones. Then they tried to contact dareingly the one who connecxted with P🔲st–W🔲rld W🔲r II a🔲ti-fa🔲ismst–W🔲rld W🔲r II a🔲ti-fa🔲ism and the one who once betrayed their country.

However, these serially shifting their strategiesy do never mean Lemon market✽. Because their coincidentally having same idea could be so more upgraded beautiful expensive jewelry even with another perfectly cheating intentional divise more than ordinary made jewelry, and that principle is sustained with distribution of cheap and inferior goods. 

Why they accidentally the indentical order to us could be caused from that their each respecting sect's Spy Machine Development were keeping the same top secret files, because those days were busy at investigating whistleblower to outside organizations inside the C🔲A collaborating togehter, but only that thing what they each held the same file was never informed to their new generation of agents to inherit.

These things were infromed by that beautifl L🔲banese immigrant jeweler, and the ones who have the idea around it and necessarily the jewelry devise mechanism and the object were only the lady and me except jewelry designer and another one who cooperated with the designer as Thin Archepelago downtown factory engineer old man who appeared at my nightmare. 

(to be continued)

Mar. 6th.  2021