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¬’s ¬ is Not ∀ nor ∃ ◎Interim Report 1

∃ is the thing if it could be a priori given thing, as what transcendent over any other thing, it could never be explained by words, so easily, nevertheless, understanding it for us must be afterward we'd leanrt language, it means that we can or should know language for knowing what we could never know even after we'd learnt language.

Then, ∃ is over anything deductively, as being perfectly transcendent. However we have to learn everything though words, and words as language activity's the most integral tool which  is the must to learn so forcibly to anyone.

And principly ∀ is the thing which deductively shown with words, and its fact must rely on only what we've, as inborn nature, learnt everything beforehand we'd leanrt words as language activity. Then words as language or its activity's the direct method or tool for practicing it and necessarily is the example or deductively outputted tools for our communication.

Then, necessarily ∀ as universal quantification ought to be passport for proving us as citizen so personally.

Consequently only unidentified thing but its presence is obvious, in terms of what is impossible directly to tell anything if we'd never leanrt language, must be only ∃. Nevertheless it must be a-priori to anything, but only rare instinctive knowing could never communicate with any other one, then necessarily only through with ∀, we could know ∃.

Thus, necerssarily our absolute fact as we all are given own∃must be gift or gifted present fact by God. And necessarily only ∀ must have been prepared as the sole tool to know them all given by God. Then, necessarily words thing as language tool is just only for human-being.

The most integrally absolute truth is only that the managing thing to this world is never human-being, only words system with article, then necessarily only law should manage the human world as the society. Because we all as human-being are inborn sinner. Its evidence is that we come together for realizing all acts only for getthing own happiness. Then at last phase, we must rely on only oracle as providence ultimately, in other words, we need permission by God, and it could be done only with words and its managing order through law.

Law is transcendent over any other rule, or munite regulation(it could be switched according to situation's change in society), then it necessarily should be transcendent truth with which we could do anything so orderly. 
By the way at this debate and context to interpret everything, law must be constitution of the nation as long as world in which we survive is nation, not only just country or community(By the way, community is based on close relationship with people and it often is breaching national law, then it depends on only arbitrary rule or judgement in human relation). 

Then, as summary, let us give the formula of these things through logic symbols.

∃ ≠ ∀


(∃=∀)´ = (∃ ≠ ∀)

(⊥)´ = ∀


∀ ≠ ∃

then, necessarily 

(∃ x: P(x)) ⇒ (∃∧∀) ⊥

then, only at our consciousness, 


could be possible. ※

That means our conviction to usage of words as language activity.

Mar. 12th.  2021

Memorandum;  ※'s interpretation.  Then necessarily at ontological level, we could never define ∃, we only at epistemolorgic level can define ∃ only through ∀.