Blog for Nameless-Value

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Cool it down to Bid in the most Advantageous Auction Items Part1

At doing everything, regarding the one who does everything so desperately is false judging. 
People at doing everything should not pour unnecessary excessive power into their mind, at the ㎡atter of fact, not consciously get the power taken into our mind, and just being relaxed at doing is the most respectful. Because taking so relaxed mind is more productive rather than pouring the power maximally must get successs at job mission or anything. 
Then, necessarily resisting ones so strictly to any loosen attitude must be survived or  preceded by the one whose behavior is anytime so cool to dodge any object or movement externally seeming to approach us so dangerously.  

Then, eventually the fanatically breaking through act could be so risky at fulfilling the best accomplishment. Mind should be anytime at the best degree calmed down to do anything so well. 

Consequently we can get good result anytime when we are not tense nor nervous, rather at nthe botom of mind, rudely empty condition could be the most ideal. 
In other words, we should make our own mind very resilient and get an affordable minimal but so accustomed help we can have personally so easy device only for outselves so individually, rather any other so stereotyped or kind of very traditionally formal method should be spoiled so spontaneously, only very familiar way shoukd be taken into own job strategy. 
In other words, paying attention to or kind of applying only so generally admittable method could kill own potential power to make own ability worked out for doing thing.

Orthodox approach should be regarded as only consequent coincidence which we can find it at any other person except us, first applying only what very many ones could do as the method should be taken at only so biginner's level for us at doing anything, if you have to some extent done any procedure at doing for your job, you should precede only what you get it so familiar at doing your rotine thing usually you get better result. 

Eventually, unnecessarily pouring excessive power into your mind could be composed by your anxious emotion that you would have so miserable completion at preparing for anything so carelessly, but if you get to some extent enough acheivement at your past, you should pull out your tense mind and nervously fanatic emotion and spirit from your brain and habitual act for keeping yourself safe at daily life, rather you might have only so whimsical starting without any acurate scheduling, you just can run so violently,  even that manner could be effective at developing your ptentially kept thing to be formed at completion.

(to be continued)

Mar. 14th.   2021