Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

What we can View and Have View

What we personally view and really confirm everything we could see with our eyes or so could evidence that being must exist, and we all are parts of it.

Having gratitude could help us have definite confidence to be present of us so personally.

Because if we have so strong skepticism at having own presence, all viewed things both internal mind and idea or what we could look at must have been only illusion, then eventually having own confidence to own presence and world for us, if what we could look at must make the idea that it must be the illusion at our mind, consequently having onw confidence to our presence so personally must make us confidence to world itself we could keep confidence that it is just present to us, as the being for all of us, not only for our own myself, and additionally if we have these confidences in our minds, we necessarily must be able to have an idea that another mind for own mind must have the same condition and circumstance.

That thing could be so well, we could have a chance to make each power to get together creativity and honest engaging consciousness in any missioned matter, for creating values for our future.

Nevertheless, we can have so fantastic and not so transparent perceptive time and having only inactive promotion in mind and only having so ambiguity at thinking anything.

That time must need sleep or rest so enough, eventually fatigue caused from body , mind in busy and exhaustion with that time. that accumulation could blunt our ordinary having clear ideas or thinking circuit in our brain, then we need recess, pause, and either so enough making empty and blanc at doing nothing, occasionally creating these serially lasting moment at a day, e.g, for meditating, and that switch could make us regarded and witty its refreshed mind and body, we’d resume our ordinary necessary doing true job.

being capable to look any view, looking at any object, grasping totalized picture, eventually these aspects evidence that we can be active enough to gon on our true job.

Nevertheless, we could have very insomniac time either at nighttime, at that time, we should not dare to sleeping, rather try to complete never sleeping time so durably.

Even if we could do that thing extremely as long as we have normalized state at health or so, we’d resume anything.

Eventually, only our mind’s stalemate or depression could be healed so naturally unless we ineffectively execute artificial method for reform deformed life mode.

Feb. 28th. 2021