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Expendable Premised Economics Strategical Danger e.

So much quantified expendable disposal necessarily needs incinerating facilities and those emoting CO2 quantity escarated increase consequently according to population sweling tendency, makes us irregularly occurring mountain fire, seasonal circulation transformed embodiment, Oxygen rain falling impacts any plats, agricultural products harmfully.

Though, nevessarily, at COP, as agenda, expendbles much quantified socially necessary tendency in terms of consumptive Capitalism principe abiding economics will be made so stronger, necessarily some regulation for subduing exaggerated own only pursuit of profit sprinting economics circulation will be necessary. For justifying and executing the logics, more convincing premise should be properly made by us. In other words, not only clinging onto expendable commodities much quantified manufacturing reality should be modified and revised so effectively. Necessarily, our daily easily lrearable mindset as much as possible effective catchy phrase. Because more than overturning Capitalism's basic principle, more daily our casual mindset considering will be effective.

Some limitation around consuming CO2 emission volume, that must be regulatorily any country should keep according to each manufacturing circumstance. Necessarily, each country's own industrial historical circumstance is taken into account, with the conditioned state, any country should keep upper limitation strictly. But probably, even if we can confirm that any country can hve strict regulation, around using limitation of usage of CO2 emission, each individual citizen is not that conscious about it, after all, all those schemed ideas will be invalidated. Thus, consequently we can reach to one conclusion, some strict force to any individual as having consciousness about limitation, thus, as law, any commodity's using period, and the used period limitation should be jurisprudentially regulated, that social system will be made at upcoming future. 

However, if those reality could be the minimally welcomed to us, after all, on global extent leveled substantial arrangement could be the forcibly necessary. However, if upper regulatory reality will be absolutely necessary, that makes sense to tell any individual citizen the truth and all not denial given consensus must be necessary. For doing and persecuting so, necessarily, COP and each governmental emergently necessary forcible system, as distribution system should be made so forcibly with agreement from any country. 

But if we honestly will persecute those process, for the first time, to any young adult, we have to enlighten those things in education in the extent they are all students. Thus, after all from education system forcibly reformed necessary will be necessary at those contexts debate.

(Irregularly continued)

May. 4th.     2024