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Gloomy Song

Just at listening to it, getting so gloomy, that kind of song is present.

Nevertheless, it is just for now this world's mood or emotion, you know.

In other words, civilization society has come under so ultimately inretrievable reality we all share, you see, indeed.

But I cannot help but laughing around it, coz say, anybody has been desperately needing to convenience with wealthy life, you know, but nowadays we all are managed with new corona virus pandemic, you either get, don't you?

Anybody can be gloomy, so truly, you know.

Creeping up, crawling up from this situation is so hard to anybody, you know.

Nevertheless, we could never be at irretrieval reality no longer we could replace it to another, then we can have nothing but the option to rebuild the state with which we could never invite this situation, you feel so.

But, gee, you either, kind of sympathize, after all, if we are at just like now so being heard of only gloomy song, in the situation, we'd never be at the last-ditch situation for us, you see. Because only bright songs could be heard for all of us, that sisutation would be so spooky, you know!

Thus, when we are at the situation to be heard of many darkly sinking songs, we would have another chance to get make our future better than now,

We need either sad songs, songs very joyfully swinging our mind could be either so better, but all these should be so personally sung like these, I just want them so.

In other words, these are just correct and role model at expressing hope or so, that kind of songs were forcibly provided to us, that reality could be minimally evitable it for us, you see.

Possibly, we should have gratitude to all gloomy songs, you either.

Because all joy or amusing things are all composed with dark gloomy feeling or kind of sad reality, you agree!

It could be not so bad to diffuse our melancholly with gloomy songs, you know.

It could be a little bit better than drinking so much alone.

Mar. 17th.  2021