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Procedure and Actuation Part1

Generally, procedure is seen to us that any kind of task or mission needs completion, and for securing, it we should be responsible, and its accomplishment is just keeping the most trustworthy procedure, in fact we can observe these so typical successful examples just following suit for accomplishing the aimed thing.

Meantime, if we strictly keep only credible procedure, only formally stepping and conservatively reliable method, gradually, we are obliged to feel some mind’s empty, necessarily job completing is not leisure, and anytime responsibility result must be the top priority, nevertheless, if we keep only it, either the case could invite our mind a rude following formal thing and some another day, suddenly out of the blue we face the deadlock at slump for operating any mission. That means that not having introspective reviewing and its dullness made us a malfunctioning of smooth running.

In other words, at work or any mission of project, we necessarily need either actuating mind’s inspection occasionally, at the matter of fact, our drive to engage us in these means the necessity to keep regulation and at the same time, occasionally re-confirming our starting period’s spirit as motivating somewhat as driving force’s checking.

Traditionally conventional following to do everything so safely is one of the most stable option, but simultaneously sometimes we should insert even radically revolving idea or destructive overturning tasty reforming. This necessity don’t distinguish any kind of job as professional task or duty.

Paraphrasing it, we need some irregularity or at very occasional case, even anomalously different dimensioned method or usage updating.

That credible reason is explained that we usually at very accustomed state, gradually same iteration could be seen the best option, but that following could have formally narrowing very accidentally getting unimaginable terrific fruit. In other words, we should keep almost duration in the most credible method and usage, but occasionally we should insert irregular challengeable method or knowhow, and if that trial could be at deadlock, with its experience as outputted error, we could learn more instructive truth.

If that doing could have eliminated so perfectly, we could not afford to look back any ever having motivation.

By the way, nowadays, in world, very screwed-up country exists, in the country, very many each distinct ethnic group and democratic demonstrating youth groups are protesting military dictatorship. Ordinarily, to the country, we only express lament message, but is it so only convincing attitude we should take?

That makes sense that social disorder is unwelcome thing in terms of peacekeeping, but peace, like democracy, is ideally stable on the one hand, but in reality it also causes a lot of economic corruption. Therefore, Myanmar is now phenomenally miserable, but stability awaits ahead of the struggle. In Japanese history, they are now close to the Warring States period of the Muro-machi period. Rather, they may become like golden phoenix after a complete destruction like Japan after the defeat.

The same thing could be applicable to now US as socially hate crimes frequent genesis in this propositional context, otherwise we could say so either. But about it another article is so far needed.

(to be continued)

Apr. 12th. 2021