Blog for Nameless-Value

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Union / Man and Woman, Woman and Man

A man moving all around must meet union with a woman doing the same.

A woman wanting to settle herself into one place must meet union with a man doing the same.

A meeting union between man and woman could never set just accompantying two of them with intriguing nor tactics.

Because pulled minds mutually get nothing, but so spontaneous consensus, no force runs so well.

Meeting union in needing one thing probably could never be done at not mutually artificially doing nor just naturally driven, but very another it.

Minds heading for the same place in old memory, with some miraculous thing like so up to date.

Two minds of meeting moment at an absolute accord of heading direction, only it could meet perfectly, other all things could never have it, so necessarily.

Ultimately, human could never have dialogue with own mind.
Thus, only what that could never get must make two meet so closely and it could head for the accord.

Hence, what we do something must mean heading for somewhat so distinctive to just not complicated nor simple, man and woman, woman and man must run along somewhat not just myself and partner nor just not partner nor myself, as principle and necessity.

Apr. 3rd.   2021