Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Take Only Beautiful Words to Next One!

In outer space, very infinitely numerous stars with fixed ones and satelites, or so, but to our planet, only the moon present, anytime biside the earth. We are the same.

In tough and hard days for us, how can we have only so merciful emotion to anyone?
That would be your unforgettable beautiful words you ever have heard.

If you look for your lover, next one for now you might be your beloved one!

And if the one is your precious one, take your beautiul memory around words ever you'd given and take it to your next one!

Even if we do never become Angels, at least I don't want to lose my memory around the words and smile given to me by my Angel and eased by its thing, so I want to give only gentle words to anyone, if someone wants to be given, because I'm poet.

You either have so specific something only you can have, you know.
Just with it, take only beautiful words to your next one!

If your that trial could be sent to your next one, you would approach yourself so a little bit Angel, hey there you guys!

Apr. 24th.   2021