Blog for Nameless-Value

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Very Simple Question Part3

Our amusement's nature is very back to back with affection and ill-naturely regarded behavior to any other one. Because our machinery operating amusement must have peaceful ideological scheme and competitive heavy strategical scheme, from the beginning, our group must have each sensing mutual hostile and strategical intriguing and conspiracy.

Then, necessarily collateral damages are premised and our so compassionate idea and so aggressive it are mutually back to back. Then necessarily, feeling so pleasantly means either little bit so sadistic to all around, e.g. so violently speedy car sprinting, enjoying at shooting games, taking part in orgy or calminating some other one in SNS site, all are at mutual complexity in relevance.

Music thing could heal and calm our spirit, simultaneously instigate and excite it, at this interpretation, classics, contemporary fine music, heavy metal, elegy, DJ Rap and H ip-hop re-mixing are never mutually differentiated, in other words, transmitting acts to us either means so intriguing strategy around illegal hacking and military scheme, not only peaceful usage.

Double edged sword must adjoins our all usage around any machine, amusement with hobby, and pastime, necessarily either managing any enterprise, or organization, and investing and speculating, and any our social position and status are either in terms of power and authorized meaning, all are signified either as doubled edged sword.
From the beginning, group by itself must have both guarantee and sanction.

(to be continued)

May.  13th.   2021