Blog for Nameless-Value

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Now and Sustenance ➋

Ordinarily, we regard time as streaming kind of but essentially unidentified subject, otherwise some given object by God or so and we are apt to think that we are carried by its running.

However, meanwhile, very another idea could be possible to be present to us.
That is really any time could never be present, only being as every being's presence and simultaneous presence with each other, and each being's momentary death and reborn must be made at momentary switchable occurrence.

In other words, any running could never be composed, just only perfect stop, at any other expression, complete no time rage held at a rest, perfection of standing still, only that aspect could exist, and the stopped aspects are at a stretch, has death at the same time and at a strech switched and repleaced to another aspect, just only the situation is everlastingly made running, then essentially any gradual changing is just illusion, everything is momentarily disappears and appears again at completely newly reborn phase, only that infinitely iterating running could sustain, or could be sustained, that difference between active and passive must never be so essential.

That idea is necessarily Parmenides's idea. Patially Heideggar was impacted by his idea.
In other words, everything could have been momentarily appears and only at a stopped moment at staying and abruptly disappears and regains at the another aspect with very small repleaced state, that thng only is made iteration.
At the matter of fact as well as animation's one frame of animation film's duration as not move as just one no-moving picture.

If this idea could be applied to cirrect idea, necessarily any time's streaming or serially running could never have any signification, that interpretation and supposition around principle could be convincingly composed and set as correct theory.

Necessarily this suppositive idea is only theory and so far not evidenced to be true nor not evidenced to be false, neither.
Time itself as the just evidencing could never be proved so convincingly, to us as human reasonable interpretation.

If this time's supposition could be correct, in universe, only stopped infinite presence could be at each moment replaced and disappears and resumes at rebirth. In other words only that inifinitely kind of presistent iteration could sustain or could be sutained.
That aspect could be pictured at our mind and that supposition is not so skeptic nor so dubious, the impression or kind of presumption could gain ground.

And if the idea could be given some reliable citizen right, in world no time must be present, and only momentarily appearing and disappearing infinitely and everlastingly run facts could be given correct citizenship, but simultaneously the idea must need another external power to be able to make each stopped state world and soon make it disappear and that very simple iteration regenerated.

And if that idea could be just and persuasive, that principle reglated world must have been managed by very unidentified external power as the omnipotent.
Necessarily that view need no time running, and that system could be familiar with our society setting date order, callender order and only time's subjective(?) running or kind of streaming is perfectly absent from our known world, there must be only swithchable condition.

(to be continued)

Jun.  2nd.    2021

Memorandum; This time's supposition could be useful around consideration of time, space and physical power, and continuous or continual, successive and consecutive switching or very irregularly intermittant as necessarily as not sporadically at very regularly switchable every particle's aspects according to total repleacement's ordered system could be pictured and put on our so bold supposition, you know!
In other words, at my supposing world, only perfection in only stopped now and its everlasting replacing and piled up at serially seemed form could be possible at principle.
Necessarily, at the world, precise clock's precision could be so essentially integral.