Blog for Nameless-Value

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Life Messenger

You need no father.

Your mission is just one.

To leave your DNA to your descendant at so assorted pedigrees.

Necessarily, you'd never comfirm nor witness all your descendants' prosperity.

That is your destiny. 

You means I either.

To even to your direct son or daughter could otherwise neither.

At this term, anybody as one of life messengers could share that mind.

You in yourself are missioned, as the dispatch, and me either, you know!

Though give my regard to your mother, for taking me to her and you!

Even if we are remote together, yes, "together" means both staying with and remotely.

You and me at the same mission, that is daringly to set each distinct dispersion.

And you can do it!

Otherwise, until we die, only once we'd meet for a while.

But you and I are at each distinct life message, and you'd make assorted dispersion, and I either.

Only the thing is enough for each other. 

We are mutually remote life messengers.

That dispatched ultimate object is making dispersion, all around the world!

And for advancing, you can do is cutting all junk relation. 

Life's diversity must be done at that decision.

You are also in detachment!

Because you either were born missioned to be life messenger.

You can do what no one can do!  

That is leaving your life message to your next generation.

This is my message to my daughters.  

Give my regard to your mother!

If we together will have reunion, as your mother and me, that could be heaven for us, but that'd be so after we'd accomplish all our mission.

So long, until that time!

Otherwise, see you in a next life.

July. 15th., 22nd., Aug. 5th.    2021