Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Nobody could do Everything So Well

To us, what nobody could do everything so well means that we can encourage the ones whose ability and self-hood in having confidence to own power are not so persuasive to the oneself, but not only that matter but also rather that all ones' incomplete conditioned reality could be assessed so positively.
Because that all ones' naturally suppressed arbitration around any untouchably incapable thing to anyone  could do so well as whole ecosystematic this globe's circumstance at keeping it to further future from these days. 

These days' our realities are showing us some paradoxical advantage to us as we can know that knowing our power executing limitation means so much.

To us, personally mindful messages are so important, even if the thing could be small implication. However synchronically very solid and strictly publicly viewed mindset is so indispensable.

Even if we all personally have own mind and pride at having individually distinctive character, at very emergent situation, that thing is rather regarded as nuisance to anybody, because these days rather demand us have group order competence at following sincerely at individual unit level.

At the matter of fact, at very ordinary days, we truly are obliged to follow suit at doing anything even so individually. Then even if we mutually admit each unique character, we are at the matter of fact obliged to assimulate us with very conventionally habitual acting prototype as what regarded so generally appropriate to us. Even at never yet just at doing very unique thing, we rather follow all conventioally regarded so correct and do everything along that modeled senario.

Applying very commonplace rule or convention makes sense at specifically endangered condition to us, you know! The kind of unwritten strategy is so stronger that we'd never deny at so extraordinarily jeopadized situation. The ideology makes sense.

Though, consequently, ecosystematic even at not professional viewpoint just so personally intuitive sense makes sense. That presuming ouq personal judging means wisdom at being mobilized sites to us at daily life. 
Thereby, that small hunch at any occasion could be ethically meant to us, and the issue usually we face also means very personally presumable objective view in regarding truth to us, that thing means rough scientific, ethologic and philosophic regards.

Therefore, necessarily ecological sense and personally economizing wisdom must be jointed together and have mutual familiar relevance at potentially our holding intuitive sensing.

Then, curtailing necessity around our daily wisdom in abstinence means so much.
To some extent, specifically at so jeopardized situation, according to intuitively regarded sensing must critically mean so much, because any penetrating sense owning ones could rely on nothing but only savagely equipped our intuition at emergency, consequently, these our suffering COVID mutation days tells us so  at penetraing levelled judgement.

Nowadays human issues could rely on our intuitive criteria and its regard, and its evaluated aspect means that we should revise the effectiveness at replacing our own sensed tangiblly aspect with intuitively obtained concept and bodily sensed notion for saving our life subjectively and instinctively.

In other words, even our so individually or personally tangible empirical insight is so unimaginably integral at opting anything. That sensitive must be universally evaluated so generally useful worthwhile to rampant to globaly whole world, even not reliant on strictly in dealing, because we can never afford to evidencing nor proving through any precise inspection nor experiment.

That so savagely reacting at any emergent call could help our endangered situation unexpectedly. That must be our autonomously mobilizing life creature's nature rooted cognition.
At the matter of fact, our any intelligence and interectuality could be based on that so rough but very appropriately judging instinct.

To be frank, we all are also almost the same with ants having class ordered line arranged at averaged straight lining, and proceeding in parade state.

Eventually, nobody is absolutely independent, just only relatively so. Nobody is truly unique, because even if somebody's act is so regarded and seen unique, that thing must be categorized at some specific type at all categories. Consequently any unique stance and nature is unexceptionally never freing from the one similar type belonging. Nobody could escape from classified intending act by us.

Ultimately, nobody is perfectly unique nor originally outstanding to any other one.
Additionally, only that awaked reality can be shared to all ones at no inserted prejudice.
These conclusion we only are given could emerge at outputting to us, only for knowing it, our each uniqueness could be given to us, so personally.

And that thing must be interacted with that we all are never perfection at doing so well so constantly.

Next summay could be so exactly convincing to us.

〇What we all are never completed nor perfection at doing anything, though rather we can take advantage of our incompletion and consequently we can come together at emergency whatever we could suffer from as asverity to all human presence.

〇That indespenable mindset is to some extent so seemed comical or funny entirely.
Nevertheless, we must endure that so paradoxical cruel reality together, and we should inform any situation mutually and share our common knowledge around pulling through all crisis's tough reality. Because all these things are inevitable destined fact to all human things.

〇We all are almost small nameless anonymously personally judging thiking mono-machine which can have only spontaneous locomotion so arbitrarily even at being ordered or commanded situation. Our all action is left to each subjectivity.

Thus, eventually cheering words specifically irresolutely acting ones in world must be so effective, then literuture things with essay, poetry and novel should address to that content inejection. That mindset is so advantageous to any politicians powered by people and authorized ones sustained with tradition and culture in world, so actually.

🌟Recently, at least to me, so obviously perceptive mind is almost similar to ants in the term of whole world modus ponens (in spite of to us, viewing could never be so objective, to any other country, or group as other unit, we'd regard each of them so objectively). That seen so obviouisly common character I can find is seen so overwhelmingly obvious and brightly evidenced at anything with evacuation from disorderly country, any vaccination and its lockout policy's necessity and solution at lifting or cancelation from that necissity.
Rather cats staying at our home as fed pet at our family is generally remoter than us and ants, you know! Because they have no choice to take lines not make parade like ants, necessarily except stray cats spending that life mode so long period, you can see either!
Lions have no line nor parade at the same pride, thus they and cats are us at so stably peaceful deluxed life spending days at so similar dimension.

Reconfirm that whole Homo Sapiens are extremely at macro viewed aspect very similar with any kind of ants, you know!

July 18.,19th., Sep. 1st.      2021

Memorandum; This theme could run at very irregularly pace by me, so whimsically.
Thus so far that title could be done at singular it at not series, but that could be converted by some future myself!