Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Words' Advent Part1

There must the moment only being obliged to give up all what we'd kept to wish or hope.

That must never be abandonment nor despair, what we're in losing everything is very usually, even if we could lose very preciously trearurable things, we must have very another mind so naturally.

That not so easily expressed mind pulls our mentality to what we simply know all losing is equal to being given some unidentified another advent's symptoms  or so, necessarily it'd never so soon, never yet, presumably so further future thing to us, personally, nevertheless it must be made advent.

Actually, the thing to us, as the matter we personally feel so individually to us could never be so really and even intrinsically.

Because probably anybody could be seen to that original, world thing could have never been composed at that so strangely irrational aspect to be given a totalized presence. Though, any analytical philosophy's claims must be kind of delusion or modernized human's ego notional fantasy, and the thing could be outputted when we have only inertia occupying mind.

Even at so unanticipated moment, some unidentified call in mind sets on our curiosity.

That moment for the first time, to us, that nature is not seen so irreplaceable nor unimaginably miraculous to us, personally, nevertheless, gradually some figured appearance could emerge at some unconsciously posturing moment.

And what the thing is switched to gratified must cut a figure when we accidentally have some unexpected so simple awareness to something so tiny to us, you know!

In other words, to anyone, probably the moment must accompany no desire at unnecessary presumption to the future around getting anything.

Unnecessary desire usually is managed by malfunction of our bodily metabolism in shortage at done than necessity.

Eventually, words' all emergency could be made at very devoid of satisfactory mind in some unidentified and unknown reasonable emotional moment.

That must be a sort of blank.

And in seing the essence to us, so personally, we could get that meaning, in finding rarely discoverable penetrating series of words as vocabulary or notion.

In it, we individually and very privately picture a curiously regarded joint or relevance. That must be insightful implication.

Probably our mind must be organized or kind of designed at being capable at finding what we in mind subconsciously want to look at or observe to all externally opened as the source provided to us, so necessarily.

At the matter of fact, any suggestion is presented and prepared at any site we usually face, stay at and being configurated so obligedly both at so active or inactive state of mind.

Necessarily, these hints could never accompany any malice, because malice could invite only narrowing our own view.

Necessarily, occasionally we are seduced with Satanic delusion, because we all are holding either vanity or kind of conceit as necessity evil.

Nevertheless, in melting or being merged of these odd minds, any pictured conspicuous mind could be replaced with very fantastic literature tasty images. Even wicked mind could drive us to make creative words series at recovering our sanely sustained mind, that kind of emotional cycle should be taken advantage of our creatively doing anything.

Thereby, at creation of literature, very ex-wicked minded ones .by Satanic seduction could be at awoken to the truth, and output very fascinated literature words.

Because literature outputting beautiful words must be done by the one ordinarily once went through so evil-minded and devilish perversion ever. That must be what human could be awoken to the truth submitted by God is usually made with clearly awareness to own weakness of decision and mindset according to that we all just sinners.

The one who believes in only pureness must never output nor discover so penetrating words which convinces the ones who are given them.

At this term, any beautiful words or penetrating idea made with them have no discriminating nor privilege to appreciating one.

In other words, words' advent must have no ill-natured idea nor mind by themselves.

That thing must evidence that words are present for anyone. Words themselves must have no hating nor ill-natured mind to any user, unless the one has only diverted intention.

That so specific words accompanying and submitting nature means so much to us all. Because that facts must make us very many discoverable implications to us in every single day for us at anytime we try to use.

Only words have no opting to using one and no accompanying hating to using one.

In other words, to anybody, as long as the one has only not stereo-typed nor prejudiced idea around usingwords, any sort of beautiful and necessarily miraculously cheerful words must make advent to anybody, only the thing is universally convincing truth to us!

And if we can believe in that truth, we'd have so specifically unforgettable felicity at receiving so thankful words like miraculous fountain in unexpectedly out of the blue advent. And it could be so small and very touchy to us.

Otherwise, only for encontering them, we'd have been born to the word.

Yes, our world as long as our mind and body are present to us, personally and publicly, any aspect of world must be treasury words' forests not according to site's modus ponens.

(to be continued)

July. 15th.,  Sep. 3rd.   2021