Blog for Nameless-Value

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Life and Time in Mind

There must be a life of which mind often has past thing and finds so many things in it for getting reminding thing, the life must be besieged with very nostalgic emotion only for recollecting.

Meantime, there must be a life of which mind always heads for only future and fore past parts do not have present, the life has no hind around doing anything for running. The life must run forward.

Fore life means past's base which makes future, latter it means coming future makes the oneself having the life.

For the one whose past means nothing means only for future. But for the one whose past means everything's father means only past.

Returning and going back so often by somebody's life and running only forward at getting orbit deviant are together each one life.

And both could have the same time and its running.

Nature difference must never impact time's going and running.

Only human's mind could be impacted by time's going and running except the one who has no concern nor interest to any past.

Nevertheless, anybody could never return to the one's past.

Assorted nature around feeling to time's changing must never impact time's going and running.

Going back and forth around time at mind, only going forward at mind, both things are on the same track, same time's running.

Mind's idea must never impact time. And the thing must drag one question, that is "what does mind mean?"

Same track, same running, same meeting to changing thing in time and each very different acceptance around time's going.

That mutual discord means our life and each life's distinction.

Life means vehicle for mind at the same condition with which only body sustains mind.

Life and time in gapped minds.

World in meaning consists in it.

Sep 5th.    2021