Blog for Nameless-Value

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Sent Messages in Own way

Night has own song, that own nature has no enemy.

Morning has own song, that own nature has neither enemy.

And to each one, sent message each distinctly done, cos each mind has own way to accept it and feel it too.

Both night song and morning song could have each distinctly own impacting and effect to anybody.

And sometimes each sent message have mutual accord and another time that could never be made.

Perhaps, any other thing could be the same around it.

But it'd be alright. Because that each gapped aspect could make our world and each mind's own appearance and idea, you know.

Sent message in own way, only the thing must be our world truth.

As it is, either each word's aspect in own way, and no problem around it, coz the aspect must be our world.

One message, own way to accept it, own way to get it, only the thing is the truth of world, you see.

Each culture, each policy, each mode of life have own message and own way to contact to anybody, only the thing is the truth for each one, you feel.

Night must welcome morning.

Morning must welcome noon and afternoon.

And even at work, at each mind, each distinct song in mind, even each does routine thing. That's the world for us.

And all these are so natural.

Sent message in own way, it's absolutely alright!

Sep. 5th.     2021