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Songs Spirit Stream's Running Forevermore Part1 Person Issue1 Billie Eilish's Case①

Anyway, even if moreover, she gained ground as superstar in whole over the world, she’d never flatter to anybody, that stance must be her ideology as professional singer and song writer for whole world and her message on behalf of her almost the same generation.
Even her internal mental change caused from that she’d gotten more than 50 million dollars in a year,in other words, that must be her own honesty and sincerity as one star professional singer.

By the way, songs have own talk to any listener with own tone accompanying own person.

And, at least to me, that issue is seen so mentally acute and spiritually urgently earnest to anyone, because these days’ whole world situation is said to be nothing but so emergent and last-ditched to anyone in world.

One is necessarily COVID pandemic with mutation at shared crisis to all individuals in world, and politically global economy dealing and military hegemonic evacuation from many whereabouts by US and toward China, west sides countries’ tension around ocean military advancement by China and sea lane issue by west sides countries, or so.

Eventually, with very many anxious factors, any pop song, any rap, hip-hop, grange rock, pank rock song, any singer must be influenced with very harsh realities not at accompanying any exception.

Today, I want to address to writing around Billie Eilish from now on, several times serially.
Because nowadays’ our so tough and worldwide so comlicated situation to us promote us to listening to songs sung by singers, and additionally her presence for now younger generation is not so small, never yet, specifically to the same generation’s white, European ethnic identified girls, her presence is so particularly bigger (that fact could be easily confirmed and convinced through her stage performance animation with appearance of many same generation audience’s overwhelming number, and their enthusiasm around fans’ bond), nevertheless, her showing public her sexy dressed fecund bust made her SNS followers leave her site, as 10thousands number.
That their so naive disillusion proves her generation ones’ some worldwide very nervously tanse and terribly anxious mind and crisis sharing consciousness and own sympathy only the same generation ones could have naturally, and necessarily, their those tie and bond could be relevant with a little bit younger, environment activist, Swedish, Greta Thornburg’s presence at the same age’s same generation ones’ typically indwelling some implicit flat relevance, in the same circumstance and cirisis consciousness.

Disillusion to the regarded guru one star must me made with jealousy and that mentality dragging some idol worshipping’s setback with tiny trigger, at the case of Billie, her earnest womanish identifying message with one twenty years-old upcoming woman’s daring display caused from her radically brave criticism toward also her well-known star and market strategical idol’s mass-production system by major companies, that ostentatious false-hood characterized advertisement and public demonstration with her daringly betraying her selling team’s wanting to her keeping not showy modest image with one star Billie Eilish.
Her protestation and popular star producing professional circle criticizing resistance don’t stop not only with that, but also with her Texas concert stage’s her additional “Fucking” words yelling messages with her making public candidly speaking “I didn’t want have the stage here.” necessarily toward that state’s prohibition of abortion to women pregnant beginning term’s 6 weeks later.
That so- called Bible belt zone’s exceptional deal at legally another justice, Billie claimed that woman’s body’s preservation fundamentally should be decided by woman concerned with the matter by herself, that message’s content and claiming nature must be constant with her ever hiding own physical condition as body figure in opening to show through commercial photographs and stage performing dress or so.

Her exceptional presence at US promoted her actuated candid action and speech either for
her fans following Billie ardently with her own message to make her deified unnecessarily in implicitly silent protestation.

With these her late topically outstanding events and her behavior must make accord with her singing songs’ lyrics with her older brother Finneas, and at next occasion to talk about Billie, her song’s talk and whisper intending objects with person issue according to referring her songs’ lyrics will be the main theme with my own interpreting analysis.

(to be continued)

Oct. 9th. 2021

Billie Eilish - Getting Older (TIME ABC Performance 2021)

Billie Eilish at Austin City Limits on Texas Abortion Ban: Bans Off Our Bodies | Planned Parenthood