Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary


In the earth, there're two typed of jungles.
One is nature jungle as Africa, Middle and South America, and Australia, and South-East Asia, and South Asia each have.

Another is worldwide ubiquitous it as human cities' gatherings necessarily building multi-strata floors and partitioned fields.

Two are mutually seen so simmetrically or so differentiated dimensioned thing at least to our sensing mind, to each other, nevertheless, its our mind must have some horror to our own egoism and excessively executing power's strength and intensity to affect nature itself.

Surely, one is our life's origin home, but another is not so, only we’d built only for our own survival.

Nature jungle has constantly excavating potentiality to us to some extent so selfishly, nevertheless, even its resource is limited.

Our artificial jungle has substantially no control, if we get our mind loosened at no suppression for advancement, otherwise, unless nature threat could warn us.

To some extent, our civilization, never yet, our own species' destiny in survival dimension could be interpreted as macro levelled downfall and regeneration in itereation.

Even if that thing could be made, the earth by itself and whole universe could never be affected nothing, otherwise, nevertheless, our own life must never be so.

How could we regard both jungles at inquiring common essence?

Our own artificial jungle's construction might have meant one of nature selection's embodiment. Because we also are the earth's nature creation.
Just, we only to our mind, we could never put any religeous mind away from our daily life's ease acquisition.

How can we have harmony with just rare and faithfully diriven savageness by genuinely made nature?
For doing well, should we concede nature's roughness or not braked violent nature's sprinting to us?

As long as we have own mind which only human can have, our society must never have religeous mind left from our society, original nature othewise keeps own religeon, or philosophy, not so, at the matter of fact, our mind to keep own religeon and philosophy keep now our confirmable naure as it is, do they?

Anyway, to anything, what we should, have to keep or deal with the reality to us that only we and our familliar animals have is just only in disturbance, now to any extent.

However, otherwise, nature by itself could have the same circumstance, though, eventually, we at each occasion have nothing but asking nature anything.

Because our own artificial civilizational architecture is either made of origin nature, and we all could never create anything with nothing.

Oct.8th.    2021

Memorandum; This poetry was written at the news of late deep night earthquake, but that intensity was the biggest from the Great Earthquake of East Japan and Pacific Ocean Offing took place ten years ago than any other it at least at my residence's whereabout in Kanto-region.
Not only that thing but also, at staying any city ambient, I either have some horrible mind for dealing with the kind of earthquake's threat or so.