Blog for Nameless-Value

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Momentary Everlasting Part2 Anybody Dots and is Dotted

To 0, 1 as being must be budding equvalently with divergence. If we apply meta-cognitive veiw to our universe with this earth in its laifespan could be so.

Meanwhile to 1, 0 as not being must fade out, otherwise sudden disppearance must be made, or to say, it generates, and consequently convergence is the fixation of basic form as composing being.

Thus, if that symmetrical truth could be convicing, all life as being or all being with life must mean divergence in generating any diversity, and in this logical context, nothing must be convergence to the same home, that is so absolutely forcible, but that fact is true appearance. That is said to any life, any being accompanying life.

And even if our universe as being is unimaginably infinitely everlasting, it means one set, as it of set rheory, and its unit must have fluctuation with members'( elements’) replacement.

As long as we are conscious about what we all are mortal, and even our universe could be converged with Black Hall, just we all belongs to being, we’d say that even almost inifinity as being everlasting could have an end, in our knowlege,we are at momentary everlasting being as our world in universe.

Unless we are at nothing, we’d say that we belong to at least almost momentary being.
Because nothing as not belonging to being must never be, or to say, must be impossible, even at saying “we all are in almost momentary being as world for us.

“Momentary” means fragle. Because it belongs to Being we’d say it so Fragile.
Because being fragile must be only for being as not nothing.

Though, in terms of factual truth, and if we apply recording, we are now dotting, because fact to be once belonging to be present as a being means , because it is mortal, what we can do is only dotting.
Dotting means evidence that we each are just one not substituted presence to anybody.

One must mean essentially once dotting at empty field. Because it is just once dtarting and once ending in one life span, and no another exists, thus we must need dotting necessity.

               0 ← 1
             Before 1 is born, 
                                                     Only being is able to do. 

                                                     0   → 1
                                              After none disappears.
                                                     1   →    0
                                              After 1 is dead, it means 1's disappearance
                                                   Only being is able to do.

                                                    1   ←   0
                                             After 1 is dead as 0 is back.

                                              (0 id back) means Revival to be none.
                                                      Resurrection to Nothing.

By the way, as principle, to any number, any mind as subject we view could not be held, because any number and set theory must be defined to be perfectly objective cognition at a view which applies constantly looking over all totalized picture.

However, if we are either that thing, we’d never have any idea nor consciousness.

However, only toward from 0 → 1 (from 0 to 1), 1 → 0 (from 1 to 0), that subjective view could be applied, nothing could be told, in other words, as set at conditioned that from a view, subjectively at being, we for the first time can talk around from 0 to 1, from 1 to 0, because it must never be only looking over, it needs to be present as talking one.

Thus, as principle’s term, if we regard all talk as interpretation and formulation, as just objective, it could never be relevance with 0 and 1, or to say, nothing and presenceas being.

(to be continued)

Jun.29th., Oct. 8th. 2021