Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Your Option

Your own way is up to you.
Your decision depends on only your mind.

And if you have nothing to rely on only your mind.
And no one to help you, rather you must help someone with no support nor no given love!

If you have nothing to love near yourself, love the one who is not loved by anyone.

And you suffer from very many things by somebody, rahter you might free yourself!
You need not to submit, your left cheek to that one, because you aren't God.

Hold on!

Rather you might submit your head, back and everything!

Anyway, everything is only your option in your life, you know!

You have nothing to submit to anyone, and you have nothing to be helped by anyone, rather you could have another option. That is submitting yourself to someone who has nothing, never yet whose assets could be robbed by other ones or so.

Ultimately, in your life, whatever happens to yourself, only left way is just is your sponteneous action to something.

After all, everything around you is up to you! Only yourself must help you!
And if you have nothing to be given from anybody, rather give your everything to somebody whose circumstance is worse than you!

So, if you have nothing to love, and moreover you'd nobody to cooperate with you, support you, just yourself might be the one who help to anybody whose assets are none!

If you are at the situation which is besieged with only so indiffrent ones, rather you might help all the ones as these so indiffrent to you!

Say, once again!

If you have nothing to rely on and nothing to support you, rather yourself should be the one who helps powerless ones around you!
Because your eyes which confirms world around you must be given to you, when you are at advesity, you could help more powerless one than you, at the moment, in other words, you who were losing everything could help more powerless ones except you!
With older ones, very small ones, younger ones, all around you!

Everything depends on your brave desicion! Because that must be your love, you know!

Though, if you have nothing to rely on nor no one to do so, no one to help you of your situation is rather your the best opportunity. Because you can and might be the one who helps the ones who are more powerless than you! 
Yes, anytime is readied for you as the one can scoop the best occasion, because you could try your love to anyone around you, couldn't you?

Because your lifem your going way, anytime must depend on only your spontaneous desicion and your truly pure love to anyone you know!

I wish your success in taking everything. Because if you have no leeway nor wayout from anything worse around you, only your mind must be your the most reliable strongest fellow yourself!

Check your mind holding true mind, replacing your own words only for you, your next voyage must have restarting only at your readiness of the last moment. 

Your resuming on your infinitely running road only whispers you with several words!
"Believe in what you love and love words for your running! Everything is started to begin any acting to the future which is waiting for your coming".

 Your futre is advent for the time waiting for your coming!

Sep.7th., Oct. 8th.     2021