Blog for Nameless-Value

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Detachment Providing Landscape Part1

Boredom, empty, dissatisfaction, anxiety, all negative emotional, mental every mind's aspect could get another possibility at pioneering newly updated treasure to human mind.

Betrayed mind by broken heart with any never met wish and hope rather opens another advancement we'd never had in mind, that meeting could make us some very unpredictable mind impact, and we for the first time get another unknown value, at this term, our wonderful discovery's father is obviously what we lost originally wished mind's embodiment.

Landscape by itself at any condition could be our mind's idea intriguing mirror.
Mind's internally private zone could reflect on our all view scope, then consequently all visually sensed everything is done by our mind and externally present everything in necessary tag made at both intensities.

Positively motivated mind leaves behind negatively done it, as it could be, to any expected mind around landscape, orthodox provision to our expectation and that mind overturning very neglectful spatial extension contrarily attaches our mind's care.

That flashy impulse awakes our unnoticeable mind making our idea around it so impressed out of the blue into ignition. The last stage of conscious switching makes us unforgettable memory.

Rather very plainly not particularly featured landscape providing ease means somewhat so tiredness done by dynamic developed scope viewed for so long time, only simplicity could heal our once excited mind and palpitation. Another palpitating resuming could be done at giving up to dynamic excitement.

Our sensitivity has so biorhythmic wave and switching amusing sense.

Eventually, only so flattened extent opening aspect could ease our exhausted mind and in its bathing, our eyes and mind make another excitement.

Exactly to some extent, world thing could be sum-up of my mind occupied with emotion that everything could provide me so stark the question what each could mean to me so relevantly, nevertheless, gradually after my sensing could be intrigued to something in plain landscape, my mind seems to be wrapped by so milder comfort.

That so rich empty awakes my another idea, that could be some updated hope to tomorrow, you see too.

(to be continued)

Oct. 14.,15th      2021