Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary


Only vomitous developing makes me ease,
on the coutrary, very cleverly easy mind absolutely seduces me vomit.

Why we are present and breathing must mean some unidentified contrasictory reason,and only that not maaking ends meet running could ease me, only confused and incomplete barren continuation must ease my mind, because only wisely designting posture irritates my mind and heart, just it impulsively angers my emotion, that's why no reason could ease me, reasonable sensible mind's keeoing suffocates my regenerating bud omen.

Only empty ease, only roughly brushed scribble tassty gust could be pleasant to me, that's why perfectly unidentified, very normally understandable everything disgusts me so much!

Oh, shit, fucking hell!
Only weird thing eases me so much, only no reason that's why I feel so manages my "Stimmung" and "Laune" and ”Gefühl” all are heading for some disorderly sprinting, that state looks so natural at least to now me, that's why unidentified, only that's my personal reason, why is it so wrong, only that thing I wanna ask you, hey, there so smart one of you!

Ogirinally everything could seem to be only accidentally made some spooky instance to us, you see.

Nevertheless, that grasping mind thing is never nihilistic regard!
Never yet only that must be so very necessary and natural.

Because only never pretending nor never playing daringly must be so normal.
And only that the way to be just as it should be is what it takes.

Ease must be anytime instantly erased at so decorative thing, that makeshift wonderfulness makes me vormit, though so ordinary and only simple tiredness, bored simple tiny tip must be enough.

That sensitivity is only simply cinvincing not penetratingly convincing and only that matter is enoght to me so recently.

Flat and no especial character, only you are so easy to me, ecentually, I really thank you, so much, please keep it so all through at least to me, you here know for me...

Ease is so just cheaper and that's enough good, that's unidentified, but it'd be alright!

Only not specific you is my so neecessarily normal reality.
Also tomorrow, be like that so natrually, and ease me at so commonplacely.

Be there, only so is enough.

Nov. 11th.      2021