Blog for Nameless-Value

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Detachment Providing Landscape Part4

Landscape in which we can have impression and favoriteness or unfavorite things means our subject.

By the way, very sorry to that, in my country some people still have mind's custom to out exceptional sensitive one, however I have favor the kind of one's stance and act.
Rather I hate the kind of shyness decisively.

And with these facts, landscape either means not only viewed externally around us but also any kind of view around anything with e.g. music, songs, books, authors, movies, architecture, food, or so could be applicable.
Former Part3, I described that our reality is surrounded by mutually neglecting slow pace, nevertheless we actually have even sympathy even to kind of typical loser. Thus, our mind is very ambivalent.

In other words, we could have touched feeling and affection not only familiar things but also very unfamiliar things.
That our mind's unidentified reason dragging change is to us another landscape for us.
In other words, our mind must be one of landscape, or to say, external landscape must be mirror to our idea, because we reacting each moment's emotion and mind's state select the external landscape's mode, and aspect.

Not only publicly visual landscape but also so auditory or personally subjective landscape constantly is equipped at our own mind.

Though, either normally regarded landscape as spatially recognizable it either is impacted with our own not visual, not externally spatially opened, any landscape could be possible at exemplifying.

Then, after all, to us, anything could be kind of landscape. Though that must be one of subject. Otherwise subjective mirror to us for knowing our mind's modus ponens.

Then, even if we could not interpret even our mind, if we can have confirmation around our mind's change at getting to love ever never so familiar thing, that change's discovery to own mind could be one more very renewed landscape.

Consequently landscape we can have specific impression and favorable emotion by themselves which must be our mind's appearance.
Then it'd be also necessarily subject to us.

Though, subject must mean kind of our mind's mirror as so preciously integral criterion.
And around what kind of landscape with visually confirmable it and any other empirically regarded them necessarily we'd know our own essentially personal and privately dragged mind and idea change.
Additionally its discovery could awake our mind that we feel happiness at finding around everything.

Thereby, if we'd fall into some so skeptic mentally, extremely, around dealing with anything, to that our switched view, we need not to be worried about.
Because if we have at least a will or intention, around inspecting our mind's true aspect, we could get that method, namely our mind's change in personally subjective transiting to intresting thing, according to that appearance, we'd make us advanced mind's aspect and newly acquired field so personally and with it, we'd be involved with any social relevance and activity.

Nov. 12th.    2021

Memorandum; This essay series for the present ends. But if we find some another ever unfamiliar landscape as externally really developed spatially at opened otherwise even so narrowed, these aspects and any other directly intrinsically irrelevant things, with songs' favor or so from habitually familiar them to rather so unfamiliar ones(that thing could be applied either to person, for younger generation ones, different gender ones or partner or so.), consequently we'd get unidentified field or domain.

In other words, our mind has so infinitely developable or progressive nature. Though, why don't we believe in our own potentially equipped our developable possiblity.
In other words, we need never to persist in past accustomed nor familiar, habitual own mind and idea.
Let us regard boredom and whim as so positively creative, because even if we take our critically crucial eco-systematical term, persistence to one thing could be disadvantageous, you know!(At work, when we have mind'd deadlock, we should take our whimsical nature advantage of breaking through it so well!)