Blog for Nameless-Value

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Line's Vulnerable Running and Stream Part2

Listen to the Cold Heart of Elton and Dua Lipa, you don't have time to cry, you feel like you're being pushed from the bottom of your liver.When I listen to Japanese songs, I immediately realize that it is a mechanism that invites tears with sentimentality.Yes, this sentimental trick is Japan itself, and the exposure of the whole structure that blows away such a trick is the essence of Anglo-American music.

I anytime am aware of those mutually gapped natures, nevertheless, I am obliged to maze myself at having so fixed mind for regarding music's essence or kind of easly appreciation.

In other words, one my home country's own histrical circumstance could drag my sensing mind into so deeply emotionally at appreciating some vulnerable each phenomenal matter, at meeting by chance or at recollecting mind or so, somewhat in turn in daily life.
Nevertheless, meanwhile, my another mind for cheering me up to today's and tomorrow's matter at heading for so absolutely upcoming near future could yell and craive at listening to so harshly brave soulful songs by anybody, and call them in mind.
Those mutually swtichable reality could be kind of strage, nevertheless, it is never dependent on multiple personal mind's phenomenon.
That is also very essential one of human mind or human possibly tangible heart's scream in deeply indwelling at my mind, and perhaps anybody could get it ware in clearly tangible mind.

To some kind of extent or term of our mind, so wet and tears driven mind could be sustained by so ambitious mind with bravery and positiveness around welcoming any future, and simultaneously so cheered and encourraged mind could be done by kind of so sunken and nostalgically absorbing sentiment or so, even if we to some extent try to deny or delete it from our mind heading for any tomorrow, it'd never be gotten rid of my mind, so necessarily and obligedly.

Line in no accepting any rigrous regulation tries to run that track, but beside it, anytime so stiff loaded but solemnly carried so heavy trailers could run at speedway from city zone to suburban, urban, rural zones from next to next.

Reality by itself makes us idea around any mutually differentiated mode and running aspect could have some entangled co-existence and mutual adjoining together at so vaster field.
To us, kind of variation around listening to music tunes and songs sung by any singer could have some implication, suggestion around all our life aspect in terms of privacy, otherwise so unified socially public extent could merge into that so personally dimensional mind.

Exactly, it makes sure that line by itself could be kind of each independent present aspect, and anybody could opt it so in discretionary mind, but that appearance must watch or observe any kind of so tough and sturdy regulatory anything, momentarily divided index could be done in front of our site, and at ordinary work site, effeciency rating standard or so too, in other words, any kind of so isolated and segregated wolves could watch them all in some moratorium sustained cooled mind or observe each process and its sequel, eventually so carefully as much as possible they can.

Kind of so necessary parallelled running could be done at ay site, any field in this world, nevertheless to each one, no synchronical awareness is natural, or knowing all apperances at a stretch could be unable, nevertheless, at some domain in our mind, anytime that aspect's picturing or assumption could be present at any doing moment for anybody.

Though, necessarily any vulnerability could be regarded so generously or kind of implicitly overlooked, because nobody could run only according to faithfully only stiffly bound nor so precisely controlled like machinery mechanism's meticulous obedience to any indication.
Necessarily anybody could try to run according to that totalized ieally schemed state to us as our society, nevertheless, at that reality, kind of so touchy gap or slowdown or on the contrary to it, so premature desicive kind of jumping at the gun so arbitrarily could come up to our reality, you know, in that case, very miserably falling down and very miraculously successful mode or result could be dragged so necessarily at each occasion.

Any indiviual one could be kind of only fragilly drifting leaf as powerless at impacting any wholly systematized or organized total reality, then necessarily ftrom anywhere, to and fro, so various kinds of line's just mumbling or whispering voice in linear running, and that accompanying songs to each other, nevertheless, all these necessarily join any other streaming linear presence and occasionally very impulsively done unexprecedly candid screaming, and ejaculating around anyone in each running.

That wholeness giving kind of ensemble or kind of orchesrated symphony or so could embody that complition by itself.

Line, you are alone like me, that vulnerable voice, shout and sounding could touch us, in some so still and stably compesed order, you know!
But at the same time, each of them could make so amazing meeting together, and that thing could awake our any kind of sleeping mind, idea and newly emerging some so wonderlust could sometimes try to put together all adjoining things, and at any other timing, each all divided separation so spontanously too.

Though, essentially, line stream and these crossing or gathering massive somewhat constantly are parallelled.
(to be continued)

Dec. 6th.     2021

Memorandum; Eventually any violently done act in our daily life could be absorbed , or sucked into one so ordered stiff whole presence, or to say, so necessary wholeness of being, you see!