Blog for Nameless-Value

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Words and Eyes

Words do never discriminate these using ones.
Any beautiful words could be done at anyone whose identity could not be taken into account.

Meanwhile, eyes could discriminate what they want to look at, and only that thing could not be overcome by human.
Nevertheless, only being, any material could never discriminate any looker nor any toucher, contactor.
Nevertheless, human society regards only our mind as the most precious, how come that reality could be made?

Nevertheless, very rarely, eyes not become cloud around anything which surrounds them could be present.

Eyes, only you can never lie to anything.
To its truth, how could words have own idea?

If there could be genuinely pure and transperently clear eyes, they could not discriminate everything according to unnecessary view to world, just only they must look at everything as it is, only that mind must make the one’s eyes so clearly transperent, you know.

If words have own mind, the presence must have so clearly transeperent eyes so personally.

If anybody could want only genuinely pure truth, anyone could get that kind of beautifully attracting eyes to anything.

Thank you words, for giving many many preasant and wonderful things to me.
Thank you eyes, for being euipped either to me, and I can look at so purely beautiful eyes’ ones so easily.

Beautiful words, beautiful eyes, God bless you, everlastingly!

Dec. 7th. 2021