Blog for Nameless-Value

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What makes Calmed and Plainly not Passionate Idea so the Best for Now Part1

There is only one good thing for the dead.It is not necessary to fight the fear of dying.So life that can not be helped because it is afraid to live and die is quite meaningless in a sense.Because if you are not so afraid that life is going to die, you can have a good time for the first time.However, if you are healthy, and if you are sick, you will not be able to do so.Humans are difficult.

Living is like always arbitrarily postponing the conclusion of some of the most difficult problems.Otherwise, like Camus in the myth of Sisyphus, we have to conclude that there is nothing but suicide.So to survive without suicide can be said to be a clever discovery in each case of the most ingenious method of postponing the conclusion.In other words, it can be said that philosophy.

It can be said that the most difficult is anything that can not be so easily divisible and concluded with any easy-to-think problem or otherwise difficult problem.In other words, it is the most central part, and the most important, which cannot be excluded, that is the part that does not come to a conclusion enough to hold your head completely.But it is quite difficult to live because it is the most divisible thing.

Basically, the living cannot compete only with the dead.For the living must overcome the fear of death, and cut off the temptation to death in order to survive, but only the dead are completely free from their need.Therefore, it can be said that the dead are the most powerful.Living is a fragile tightrope walk.Death is assimilation into nothingness.

✡Hitoshi Nagai mentioned in his lectures and them that Descartes was great for a moment.I is said the left sole value, it's the moment he leaves God and is strictly attached to me.In other words, Descartes is a mathematician, so surprisingly theological elements are also strong.But in the part away from the god, it is the opposite of Gabriel Marcel.Descartes is also quite a virtuoso in the history of philosophy.   ✡ Hitoshi Nagai(1951-) Japan’s representative analytical philosopher.

Phenomenology is the furthest from theology.Some masters, important pillars of pre-phenomenology philosophy, are farthest from theology.After modern times, Nietzsche and Heidegger were also.Hegel is neither, Husserl is more mathematical than theological (as a mathematician, of course), and analytical philosophy is theological, both Moore and Wittgenstein.

It can be said that you can not survive without a sloppy part.If you are too serious, you will not be able to do it again.That is why we need to take in evil in a good sense.But it cannot be publicly recommended.That's why I have no choice but to do it personally.In other words, think of evil that does not harm people and is never legally punishable (I'm writing a novel on that theme right now).

Moderate evil becomes suicide prevention.However, if it is too bad, it will lead to suicide, so it is difficult to adjust it.It is especially difficult for people to calm their thoughts when they are in distress than when they are not in distress.It is quite difficult for the mind to always be balanced.It is also a great effort, it is also a personality.It's a weapon.

True love is determined by whether or not one is willing to give up his or her life, even in situations where he or she never likes or cannot forgive him or her.What is not can not be called true love, but it will only be once in a lifetime, largely speaking.Love is the hardest thing in my life.Truth.

Humans can never grow while they are hanging only by those who match themselves and commonly share horses.You can grow up for the first time by having a dialogue of the same dimension with a partner who does not match the personality and the way of thinking at all, and can not even like humanity.The most important thing for human growth is to love those who are critical of yourself, enemies, and be able to hear the other person's opinion, and it is achieved by that realization.

(to be continued)

Dec. 19th.     2021