Blog for Nameless-Value

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Beauty and Ethics Part4 Body and Sprit, Space and Time❶

Beauty could be done and really perceptively embodied at our own awareness of consciousness ans mindful conscience.
That clearly done moment could be given to us when we need us so sincrely honest to wanting true love so really socially otherwise so theologically at the term of God's mercy, because essentially if we are at so exact mind that any personal acquirement of providential lovable kindness in contacting with cloud nine, we must have found truly penetrating truth words and cognition to world itself in perceiving any kind of being's aspect, God's body and blood described at New Testament derives so fruitful beenefit from our mindfully tangible beautiful words, and naturally contacting to everything in landscape and human relation.

These monentary experiencable our daily discovery to each miraculous facts could be our being's origin and source which dirive us into meditation to our being given by providence in which we could have gratitude and appreciation. If we in mind personally quote Cain and Abel, carnally desirably either I want to be Cain, because I have strong desire to survive this world, nevertheless, that life must be so harshly remorseful at any moment in my life span, that thing tells me that we could survive so instinctively according to biologically but at the same time, we do in terms of ethical justice, that needs us have humaneness and necessarily at socially necessary site, we should stock morale either.

By the way, in terms of environmental interpretation, either Buddhism religious systematic interpretation to nature could not be neglected by our learning desirable ambition.
Very many our mind's feeling elemental composition must be caused from nature supplying kind of spatially significant talking, air by itself telling thing.

If we take 0 and 1 in relevance, 1 as birth of being could be interpreted as one so storongly miraculous power externally to inside of being, but serially regarded analysis must be time reliant it, simultaneously we should take our spatially air by itself dragging intepretation too.
That view exactly makes us understand that our time's tangibly trnasitive cognition must originate in either air and spatial streaming aspect and its conditioning and providing own our bodily catching sensing. Infinity around taking into account of time could be derived from that spatially conditioning and modifying own limitation and providing own sensational somewhat.

Empty field, narrowed small space, that very symmetrical relativity could do us so dynamic conversion at swiching our own eenvironmental codition and our mind's posture to be in accord of body and spirit, memory and presently perceiving mind's sensing.

Time's metaphysical nature and spatial physical nature is anytime back to back, not divided so each distinctly, never yet these things must be at very identically adhered together and mutually interacted to each other.
In other words, in finding out beauty of mutual smiling face and words' appreciative value catching and that beauty's recognition must be our gifted creature for having gratitude to nature and God.
In other words, very cognitively conscious value derived from words, notion and meaning and very sensational bodily tangible physiological perception are mutually together never divided nor separable just in attached relevance.
We should notice these interactive mutual tradeoff or so in very subtly precise mechanism of our mind and body, in these realities, we need us have so steady balancing sense.
Ethical beauty could be obtained by these interpreting process, if ethically regarded items could not be sensed so beautifully, that judging and deal could not go along with really signified ethical subjective mission. 

In other words, when we confirm certainly beauty in these relevance, we'd succeed our two things' fusion and mutual contacting trial in completion.

(to be continued)

Dec. 26th.     2021