Blog for Nameless-Value

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The Wisest Satan's Proverbs Part1

Human has to make advance, though it means anytime betraying yesterday's ownself and when they sleep betraying today's ownself in determination.
Though, as much as possible you can sleep shallowly, because only nightmare betrayer could have could be passed at least at one night.

Those all are the wisest Satan's proverbs, you know.
According to his idea, human thing should not betray the ones who are powerless than doing one, if daringly he has to do so, the easyduck must be the biggest powered ones or unit, only that doing is manly orthodox road, you know.

Exchanging idea, converting course, ideology needs conviction in justifying all not preserving original form. Though necessarily that switchable mind could demand each occasional conviction at course conversion, ideology shifting which need conviction in reviewing all in not preserving original form. But that very frequent transitive stance could make the practicing ones' minds so hesitant at keeping only that stance so ceaselessly. Thus, after all anyone must have worriers' harshly atrocious idea simultaneously.

Yesterday's justice is today's enmity to seen so older idea held in yesterday for just now.
Though, society must have necessity to equip safety net for stumbled ones in harsh race.

Yes, anytime breathing any old anima out and doing any refreshed it in in iteration and walking around so diverse directions and courses. Very almost infinite routes at even narrowed areas. Any kind of mode change should be taken so consciously at keeping same proposition in long period, because inquiry and persuite, research must be conditioned at finding out elasticity, resilience and plasticity in having the same integrally requisite questionable items for our own mission.

For doing all so smartly and so well, mode change and changing mind's atmosphere is unexpectedly important.

Essentially immovable stance could demand doing ones have flexible swtiching in the best timing, that could be our all missioned mind for any complition.

Liquidating any unnecessary element yesterday idea had for now must be our the most important routine.
Because yesterday does never regenerate itself, and we must go ahead only to future, future means just creating our own time, and that doing means either cutting any unnecessary ever held ideas, and that could not be so worse, even once abandoned idea must regenerate by itself, and that time, if we regard it as vakuable, this time we must address to doing it, after all, any idea or suppositional scheme must have own engeged timing, and probably except very specifically excellence, any idea could be effective only once.
These one's so long period sustainable proposition and only once effective it in difference could be gradually learnt and habituated, in discernment and discriminating for practical judging occasion, but more longer periods in lifespan, these item's priority must have transitive appearance.

Because totalized one human's idea is not artificially swtiched but done more necessarily according to physiolosical nature ordering change.
E. g. music tunes, songs in selecting favor at listening to and each mode's acceptance and deeply understandable contents could be shifted so according to physically conditioned change, human socially relevant change, and own physiological body change and these all mixed another outputted totalized change, or any kind of resetting current.

These all are never expectable or presumable at specifying or articulating each explainable words or so. For knowing it, diary writing down act must be necessarily useful.
Necessarily any other method could be either useful according to each humanstic character and personality.

As far as concerned with my case, very violently destructive and a demolition attending dare, kind of invalidating any kind of orthodox way for creating something must anytime chases my mind. And that essential reason to actuate me is never expressed with shortly summarized words, because we all are derived from infinite ancestors, thus even one favor to pop songs' selection's frequency could be in unideitified reason swtiched at one day, and each cycle and its length's true signified reason is not so easily grasped so personally, because we are in no exceeption at very entangled contexts, complexity and those joining and meeting in very rare timing and opportunity, and mutual very accidental encounter, though at one same age in gathering with any other one is only accidentally having no cotext nor no prodedural incidence nature must be laid at each occasionally current.

Though, year's swtich and date change, month transition or so in time system must contribute us for forgetting any past generated things and meeting or welcoming newly needed things to us in reset mindset.
Because we are each making own current in the same large river.

Satan's wisdom in heard in own mind means only contributing to us for evading unnecessary inattantion for facing and confronting necessity evil and irresitible force in our own daily life, you know!
(to be continued)

Dec. 30th.  2021, Jan. 1st.  2022