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Being, Belief, Flesh, God Part1 Words' Enlightenment①

Being is awoken to our consciousness, but that outstandingly noticed state could be made by our somewhat in determined idea and interpreting to world as object for us in question and its motion in body and spirit midst kind of coming and going.

World thing for us as concrete cognitive object is made in advent of our belief.

Our own tangible flesh could drive us have any kind of being's form to world presence in mutual working on with body and our perceptive recognition to all generated things in world.

Martin Luther described at his paper✹1 that ”Without belief, we’d never believe, without belief, promise has no signification, promise could be possible at belief and accomplishes.

His mentioning thing must mean our bodily perceptive tangible confirmation in consciousness could get some core conviction in world with our belief.
For ascertaining these serially relevant truths, we obviously must need words' cognition and its interpretable being's cognitive mechanical presence.

Because being must be known through all present modus ponens and that providing own appearance. That thing at the matter of fact was mentioned in Paul Ricoer as his paper✹2, and he defined that Hussel's philosohpy is based on flesh ontology in relative comparaison toward Hidegger as his philosophy is not mentioning flesh's siginified item, in other words, Hidegger was heading for only ontologically practical our mind's world interpreting modus ponens, perceptive analysis was not made at his paper.

Phenomenological mind's world means more metaphysical our presence's modus ponens, meanwhile according to Ricoer's interpreting, Hussel's comprehensive interpreting intention must be dependent on more carnally tangible perceptive levelled analysis.

Thus, in conclusion, Hidegger's mind's aspect is more entirely grasped introspective approach, but Hussel's it is more getting along with present time's running, in other words, very bodily reacting noticing and observing everything in focusing mind to objective view, nevertheless, that very perceptive consciousness meantime must drag and drive cognitively dependent some meta-cognitive, in other words, very definitively regarded words' part of speech aspectual assessment in mind which could work on our mind and body.

That aspectual inclined mind must be relevant with theologically regarded being's signified interpretable appearance. Though, Martin Luther could have emphasized through his paper✹2 that misbelief seductive lamentable situation's claiming not only formalized and only officially done procedure's regulatory posture could be criticized and more believing mind's actuated spontainity must be recommended at his mind.

That last Luther's stance could cheer this COVID perilous our harsh days' reality in our mind.
Ricoeur taking analytical stance must be necessarily needed to us, and in his interpreting around Hussel, Hidegger, and Aristotle, but simultaneously Levinas's analytical present thing's posture could be done to us.
His taking idea in his paper✹3 that practical state of part of speech is consciousness which consists in what we actively react any world making matter, but at each reacting in mind of us which has absolutely words' conceptual comprehensive approachable stance to being, reality and our presence's interpreting in analysis.

And in these processes of our analysing relevance between world and us, in terms of our socially engaged stance, we must need God's guide to us for not taking perverted stance in carnality and that synthetic enlightened idea and more strictly helpful course and our totalized life ideology must be neccessary in taking account of our life spending stance and mindset.

(to be continued to next new year's consideration)

Dec.   31st.     2021

✹1 De Captivitate Babylonica Praedium(1520)

✹2 Soi-même comme un autre(1990)