Blog for Nameless-Value

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Chip’s Confusing Presence①

In world, only greately completed presence could not have do this world's greatness nor decisiveness.
Necessarily very greatness could have diversity, and these things could have gotten world so built-up completion, nevertheless, very tiny chip's not so few accidentally whimsical errors, or kind of mischeivously unpleasant, disagreeable crank inccidents could have gotten the world overturn, nor upset, converted into another direction.

Any kind of assasination, retirement, disappearance could have altered direction and current our ancestors could have wanted to head for and gone along with.

Chip's impact should never made light of at any occasion. That could be applied to not human presence case, nevertheless as far as concerned with one person, any presence must have so sound and solid mind and idea, that fact must be so decisive.
And if we forget it, no matter how our own scheme is ideal, everything could be spoiled.

Thereby, around starting or resuming something so important, we should never make light of tiny chip's identity and to any small thing, we must be careful, that is just absolute instruction.

In other words, to complete so ideally regarded picturesqhe somewhat, we should get rid of any tiny chip in sense of crisis calling hunch, nevertheless, probably in running of everything, constantly ant tiny chip abiding contacting could interfere with any trial made by us, and necessarily taking that thing into account for running and occasionally very smartly daringly inserting or permitting to its tresspassing, that thing could be udeful.

Taking advantage of any unpresumable uncertain incident and error must be contemporary citizen's one of the most integral mindset and attentively necessary attitude in any doing for us.

Chip's presence ought to be the biggest sharing element for composing all unversal presence. In other words, any frailly present thing's reason to be is nothing but wholeness's complition's absolute rudimental prototype, yes, therefore, any socially necessary protocol must be given a chance to execute in society, you know.

(to be continued)

Jan. 18th.    2022