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Love and Justice ❸

Love is frankly defined as what we should create, not given thing by other ones, necessarily, given love of our life is signified, but that condition must be necessary to make own power for getting the condition, though ultimately only responsible mind and act in accord could get us true love.

Because love is just harsh battle among family members, between couple or so.
Though, eventually pampering, indulging own children or kind of taking care of them unnecessarily is not so proper at nurturing their growth, nevertheless, very neglecting that duty is seen not so few, really in world meserable cases are overwhelmingly almost, that's the reality.

By the way, to me, very many so catastrofic experiences in life existed and I had many things I wanted to consult to somebody who was helpful to me, but I plainly anytime had my strict decision never to do that thing to anyone, and until now, only the thing has been kept in my life as creed at least to me, just because I've had an idea that only not confessing anything must have been truly free option or kind of the best ideally done condition at least to me.

Of course, its option depends on each one's mnd, idea and own creed.

Responsibility means not only taking care of beloved ones so affectionately directly fondling them or so. Very assorted mode at raising children must exist.
In terms of personal family love, necessarily I am never qualified at mentioning pursuasive instruction here, just I want tell any reader that in world many unexplainable cases concerned with family and its own love.

Life means ultimately own thing for own personality, and no other thing could never be given any room to intervene any other one's it. Only the thing is permissible truth to declare for the present. And that so assorted realities' each character must make anyone's life own nature and color, or kind of sound sung by own mind.

Personality and publicity are mutually back to back at any occasion.

Justice must be ethical normativity, nevertheless, probably in an area that any personal mind and privately taken emotional thing could never intervene, simultaneously not only love but also justice could never be made nor created so progressively.

In fact, actually being so normal at having no offending, no breaching, no protruding to anything inappropriately, nor no plundering any other one's privacy nor so unexpecteldy so difficult and so harshly painful, only the thing could be life essential truth to anybody.

Because we all never so mindfully, personally stronger presence, in other words, we all are holders of willow tasty resilient mind, and stiffly persistent mindset as well as hard stone in moutaninous zone valley or so.
In other words, mutually in only accepting that irresistibly attending nature and own selfish mind together, first we could get mutual understanding in personal, and public.

Probably to us, justice could be regarded or means not only harshly strict at executing just idea at any furious instigating anger case, otherwise any pitifully compassionate case, justice we could see and regard as what must be not only just offcially so apathetic publicity but also at very pitiless emotional atrocious case's occasion, even plainly impeaching could not be hesitated nor procrastinated, it must be that nature thing.
In other words, any personally regarded emotion or so and any publicly regarded strict execution must have intrinsic character in which both are in same dimensional signification of double-edged sword at both negative regard and positive it.  

In other words, if we try to look for what love and justice could share at these natures must be kind of good meaning or term's own ambivalence in which we can versatilly convert or replace own idea around any circustance's solution, because doing so well in not so bad influence nor bad remorse at anybody's mind must be at least for us and our future what we must absolutely sustain to our future. Freedom, right, duty, obligation or so with any term is not only justly stiff category but also so just anyway familiar at good meaning, subjectively concerning and responsible thing to us all, at this interpretation, just love and justice must be reciprocally helpful relevance as kind of back to back in terms of freedom and responsibility in affectionate realization.
(to be continued)

Jan. 19th.      2022