Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Being’s Identity⑦ Level and Vertical in Layer Ⅱ

This time, let’s reflect Part4’s claim again. That was at suggestion to that this world had another time pallarelld straight normal time.(That indication to some extent is like Einstein’s relativity theory, but that intention is nothing on me)

Just imagine if time system could be running not only our time system but also another it in inifinite proceeding in advancing step, according to that principle our own presence as body and its being could be present at another world, simltaneously.

This allegory probably late philosopher David Lewis could get the idea in his brain, but not persisting in its theory, otherwise partially crossable point could be outputted, but I’d like this freely operated by my whim.

Just first premise, our world has certainly time running is heading for only one direction, though presumably our time’s the minimal unit as not divided it as absolutely measurable particle could be there. On the contrary if that particle could never be present, rather for the present our setting coordinate axis’s horizontal time running’s absolutely credible nature could be destructed by vertically discribable system proposal.

Conseuently, if we introduce Zeno’s paradoxes famoust as Achilles and the tortoise, we’d never advance any distanced location. And otherwise, that allegody indicates time’s cognition is what makes spatially regarded dimensional reality, because infinite regress must mean spatially describable imppossibility around in all phases, because inifinite division is supposed at this thinking experiment.

According to principle outputting our suppositional power could drag consequently vertical axis at coordinate axis means time’s infinite division paradoxically makes spatial dimension, though if truly infinitely time’s division could be possible, that must make any synchronically another spatial location could have been possible at one substantial object.
In other words, in thinking experimental possibility makes us that paradox.

In other words, our own attending mind as human mind is prone to create paradox inhenretly by nature.
Nevertheless, infinite regres must be made arbitrarily never without one suposition as fixed series as succession. Namely (1,2,3,4,…) was already set, on it, first each given two numbers’ gap makes us division, and that iteration makes paradox, that is arbitrary devise.

In other words, one suppositional condition is given to us, gradually any division could be possible, but that is done just because e.g. one marathon runner’s running advancing is given to us, though that supposition could be embodied.
(to be continued)

Jan. 22nd. 2022

Appendix; For proving, we just suppose anything, that accumulating outputting some other truth could be one arbitrary neglection to the difference between really time running’s going and premising logical step advancing.

Jan. 22nd. 2022